A Gift Card

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Give a Gift that Matters

More and more people are delighting friends and loved ones with the most meaningful presents: charitable contributions given in their name. A beautiful personalized greeting card makes it truly memorable.


Request Meaningful Gifts

Let friends and loved ones know that you would welcome a donation in your name to make a difference, instead of yet more "stuff." It just takes a minute to create a Wish List or Registry.



Heal A Family

1 application for care

Civic-Campaign For Innocent Victims In Conflict

Regular price $50.00

Your $50 donation allows CIVIC to find a child in need, make contact with the child's family, gather the necessary documents from within the war zone and apply for out-of-country care.

Heal A Village

Essential medicines

Amazon Promise

Regular price $400.00

This gift will provide 500-700 treatments including but not limited to antibiotics, analgesics, topical anti-fungal cream, anti-parasite medication, oral rehydration salts, wound care and dressing supplies, and vitamin supplements.

Healthy Children

Breastfeeding Programs

Mercy Corps

Regular price $75.00

In Jakarta's poorest neighborhoods, Mercy Corps promotes the practice and benefits of breastfeeding. We create training programs for health providers and maternity clinics. And we foster neighborhood-level support groups for pregnant and nursing mothers, promote events that raise awareness about the advantages of breastfeeding, and lobby local and national policymakers.

Help Children Grow

Parasite Treatment

Amazon Promise

Regular price $50.00

This gift will provide the medicine needed to treat approximately 750 children for intestinal parasites. Once treated, children are less likely to contract infectious diseases and their nutrition is better, resulting in improved overall health and enhanced educational outcomes in school.

HIV/AIDS class

1 class for 20 porters

International Mountain Explorers Connection

Regular price $10.00

This gift will provide (1) two hour class of HIV/AIDS Awareness instruction to 20 porters in the village areas surrounding Mount Kilimanjaro.

Immunize A Child


Project Concern International

Regular price $20.00

Through Project Concern's Immunization Campaign, you can help us in the delivery of these lifesaving immunizations and other essential health services in the coming year. Your gift will help provide much-needed vaccines against tetanus, whooping cough, measles, tuberculosis, diptheria, and polio. It will also provide training and health education for families in need, ensuring the health of a generation of children living in some of...

Immunize A Child

Hep B & DPT/DT series

Sharing Foundation

Regular price $30.00

This gift will provide a child in the village of Roteang with the opportunity to grow up healthy so s/he can attend school and develop skills that may offer a route out of subsistence poverty. The child will receive the Hepatitis B and DPT (under age 6) or DT (ages 6 - 18) vaccines (three shots each) at three intervals, eight weeks apart, followed by...

Improve Maternal Care

Obstetric training

African Medical and Research Foundation

Regular price $100.00

AMREF trains nurses and midwives how to properly manage a woman in labor, how to prevent hemorrhage and infection, and how to recognize when she needs a caesarean section and must be taken to a hospital. They are also trained in proper care of newborns: how to cut and tie the umbilical cord, to warm the baby, and to encourage the mother to breastfeed immediately,...

Improve Sight

Eye exam and glasses

Help The World See

Regular price $30.00

Your gift will provide a professional eye exam plus a matched pair of durable prescription glasses for a needy person overseas--young or old ($30.00), OR make a more substantial difference with a sight-saving combination of exams and glasses for a dozen people ($360.00). Prices do not include shipping which varies by destination. In any event, YOU can make a difference!

Keep Kids Healthy!

Medicine for Children

Keep a Child Alive

Regular price $125.00

This gift will pay for all multivitamins and pediatric syrups at the Blue Roof Clinic in South Africa for one month. When infected with HIV, total health becomes even more crucial, especially for vulnerable young children. Your $125 donation will keep children healthy from preventable illnesses for one full year at the Blue Roof!

Keep Kids Healthy!

Health Costs for Kids

Keep a Child Alive

Regular price $20.00

This gift will pay for the health costs of one child headed household for one year at Ikageng Itireleng in South Africa. Growing children have a variety of routine health needs and problems that, while easy to care of in the Western world, are heavy burdens for child-headed households. Your donation ensures that these brave children will stay healthy, and be able to devote more...

Keep Me Healthy!

10,000 Vitamins

Amazon Promise

Regular price $125.00

This gift will provide approximately 28 Peruvian children with a daily multivitamin for a whole year, enabling them to grow up strong, fight disease, remain in school, and stay healthy!

Keep Patients Dry

One roof for a clinic

Peter C. Alderman Foundation

Regular price $5,000.00

Your donation will allow the Cambodian Clinic to function at full capacity all year round by providing a new roof. The same number of patients can be seen during the rainy season as during the dry season.

Keep the Lights On

One power generator

Operation USA

Regular price $500.00

Purchasing a generator for a community clinic is the perfect gift for someone who understands the need to continue working especially during challenging situations. Operation USA works to diminish the effects of an emergency by supplying the very basic power that a community clinic needs to operate. By purchasing an emergency generator, community clinics are able to continue to operation and serve as a safe...

Light A Lab

One week of power

International Aids Vaccine Initiative Inc

Regular price $75.00

Your gift will provide the necessary money to keep the power on at one of our sites for one week. This will allow the lab and clinic to function, and will provide the essential security that the research samples will not be spoiled. It is vital that these scientists have all the tools they need for their research so they can find a vaccine as...

Make House Calls

Bicycle for health worker

African Medical and Research Foundation

Regular price $50.00

Community Drug Distributors (CDD) are volunteers who have been trained to identify the symptoms of malaria and dispense the proper medication. They also educate the community at weddings, funerals and other gatherings about the proper use of malaria medication and insecticide treated nets. This way the community is empowered to fight malaria. Your gift will provide a bicycle for a CDD, enabling her to cover...

Medical care for

a family for a year

Better Future International

Regular price $30.00

Casa Ana in the Dominican Republic is partnered with a local clinic to provide health care to families enrolled at Casa Ana. Your donation will provide medical health care for family for a year in Azua, Dominican Republic. We treat parasites (worms) wounds, skin diseases, malaria.

Mobilize A Village

One vehicle

Operation USA

Regular price $1,000.00

With a gift of $1,000, Operation USA can purchase bicycles, a moped, or a donkey with a saddle that will enable a community leader and/or service provider to reach villagers living far from the village center and provide services to a wider population. Often, grassroots organizations can raise money for services, yet rarely do they receive funding for transportation needs. Operation USA believes that in...

Monitor Surgery

Battery for Passport 2

Operation Smile

Regular price $60.00

Commonly used during surgical procedures, the Passport 2 patient monitor is one of our most important pieces of medical equipment. Your gift of a battery for this essential piece of equipment helps another child receive surgery.

Prevent Disease

Immunize a Dalit Child

Dalit Freedom Fund

Regular price $16.00

This gift will cover the cost of vaccinations for one Dalit child. Not only is this a practical and much needed gift, it is a small investment with a big return: a healthy childhood. Healthy children are more likely to stay in school and succeed. In addition, you’re supporting the Dalit Freedom Network (DFN) Healthcare Program, which is the first comprehensive healthcare program for Dalits....