Women And Girls

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Ensure Safe Labor

Two clean delivery kits

American Refugee Committee

Regular price $17.00

Your gift will focus on providing a clean and safe delivery for mother and child. A clean delivery kit, with sterile gloves, gauze, scissors and antibiotic ointment, will greatly reduce the chances of infection. And continuing care after delivery will ensure that mother and child stay healthy. The gift you give your loved one will stand out – a clean and safe delivery for a...

Support Good Health

Medicine for 10 women

Winrock International

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will provide enough medication to treat 10 Tibetan women for a variety of reproductive tract infections. Women will receive information on how to prevent infections, good hygiene, and reproductive health training.

Screening for Underserved Women

Breast Cancer Alliance

Regular price $0.00

For the price of your gift, an institution providing patient navigation or free screening will enable a woman with limited financial means to get the critical, and potentially life-saving mammomgram she needs. When caught early, breast cancer has a survival rate of 90%. Your gift helps to maintain, if not improve, those statistics!

Treat Malaria

Women & children

International Medical Corps

Regular price $100.00

$100 Could treat as many as 100 children with malaria. Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) costs about $1 per treatment

Improve Maternal Care

Obstetric training

African Medical and Research Foundation

Regular price $100.00

AMREF trains nurses and midwives how to properly manage a woman in labor, how to prevent hemorrhage and infection, and how to recognize when she needs a caesarean section and must be taken to a hospital. They are also trained in proper care of newborns: how to cut and tie the umbilical cord, to warm the baby, and to encourage the mother to breastfeed immediately,...

Fund Analysis

Sexual health policy

The Guttmacher Institute

Regular price $250.00

Your gift will help fund our expert policy analysis and dissemination by supporting the Guttmacher Policy Review, a quarterly publication of reproductive health policy-making in Washington, DC, and state capitals across the country. This review, held in extremely high regard by important stakeholders at the state and national levels, relates state affairs to national and international developments. It also highlights all aspects of sexual and...


Awaken FGM Bulletin

Equality Now

Regular price $50.00

Your gift will enable Equality Now to produce and distribute fourteen copies of Awaken, our twice-yearly bulletin on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) that is distributed free of charge to grassroots organizations and member of practicing communities. Awaken is printed in English, French and Arabic. Each issue of Awaken presents updates by country on the efforts and challenges faced by our grantees and others working and...