Jamie's Wish List

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Favorite gifts:


This gift will provide funding to projects in translational cancer research, which focuses on bringing promising new treatments to the patients who need them as quickly as possible. This is where the end of cancer begins.

Educate A Child - Books for Nepal

Rural Education and Development, Inc.


Join READ Global in its quest to change the world—one country, one village, one individual at a time. READ’s self-supporting library community centers each include a Children’s Section with books, educational toys and furnishings designed just for the younger set. Your donation will help to stock the shelves with new books written just for children. Your gift of children’s books will be provided by READ Global.

Turn On Girl Power - School supplies

Global Fund for Children


Your gift will go toward programs that target girls’ education in the most vulnerable communities. Your gift can provide a girl with a school uniform, textbooks, and school supplies for one year of schooling. Together, we can bring up a new generation of girls who will become educated, confident women.

Show what you care about and generate funds for your favorite nonprofits. Create a charitable wish list or registry now!