Lily's Wish List

Charitable wish lists and registries show what we are passionate about.
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If you are unsure of what to get me for a holiday or special event, donate to support a cause that is important to me. The following gifts are ways to make a difference in the world and are far more important than any meaningless material present.

Favorite gifts:

Support Outreach - One hour of outreach

World Federation for Mental Health


Your gift will pay for one hour of time for the Office of Information and Advocacy to help someone in need. Helping people find educational material, mental health resources in their community, bridging the gaps by giving people the information they need to create change!

Train A Counselor - Gatekeeper training

Kristin Brooks Hope Center


Your gift will train one person as a certified gatekeeper or an online counselor.

Your gift will enable Equality Now to produce and distribute Women's Action campaign alerts to approximately 150 members of the Women's Action Network, who voice their opposition to human rights violations against women and girls by contacting government authorities, circulating petitions and raising awareness in their communities. When governments encounter protest from around the world, they know they are being held accountable for these human rights abuses. The activists you help mobilize to stop trafficking will, for example, take action against “sex tour" companies operating from the United States; support efforts to help lower-caste women and girls trapped in prostitution in India, including amending the law, and to promote awareness about legislation to prosecute traffickers and protect trafficking victims. Your gift helps channel collective outrage into strategic action, and the public pressure generated continues to multiply, resulting in an even greater impact in the fight against sex trafficking.


We must have everyone’s support to stop Congress from handing the home of polar bears and other wildlife over to Big Oil, which will only result in a savings of a penny at the gas pump…and that’s in 20 years! Your gift to Adopt A Polar Bear will help Defenders save polar bears and other imperiled Arctic wildlife.

Show what you care about and generate funds for your favorite nonprofits. Create a charitable wish list or registry now!