Help AFG babies
1 baby item

Alternatives for Girls
The AFG Shelter provides a safe, stable living and learning environment for homeless young women (ages 16-21) and their children in emergency situations. The Shelter can hold up to 31 women and 14 of their children at one time. We want to provide the AFG mother with all baby care items so as not to worry about necessities for her baby and instead focus on getting her education, finding a job, or finding a permanent place to live.
The Gift
Your gift of $10 will allow us to purchase a baby item for one of the 14 children living in our shelter. The children range from newborn up to 5 years and we would buy an item that is necessary and suitable for that baby or child. Some examples of items would be baby blankets, pacifiers, clothing, diapers, baby hygiene items, toys, and books. We want to teach the motherz at AFG proper baby care while they have the support of a knowledgeable and caring staff. We want the mothers to be fully equipped with baby items when they move out on their own, since we know how expensive diapers and baby food can be with a limited income. We need the support of donors like yourself to help us with purchases like these which can add up to a large expense with so many children. Your gift would help keep these babies (and their mothers) happy and healthy!