Calvert Social Investment Foundation

See our Gifts

Our program lends money at below market rates to high social-impact organizations and social enterprises. This provides the means for your donation to be leveraged twenty times over to improve the lives of those in underserved communities.


Simply: to help end poverty through investment. To do this we seek to develop community investment as a new asset class in the financial services industry by employing a range of innovative products and services.


Programs include affordable housing, microcredit, small business development, social enterprise, community development, fair trade coffee and public radio.


Calvert Foundation invests in high social-impact organizations around the world. Each of these organizations focuses on solving local problems that contribute to poverty. A gift to Calvert Foundation has a tremendous impact because the money is leveraged twenty times over as loans are repaid and funds dispersed to new organizations in your targeted sector.


Shari Berenbach joined Calvert Foundation as Executive Director in 1997. With over 20 years of experience ranging from microcredit to international business, Shari brings leadership and knowledge to the field of social investment. At Calvert Foundation, Shari has developed innovative financial instruments and partnerships critical to creating a level of transparency and discipline that engender consistent performance, investor confidence and broad market participation in the community investment marketplace.

Prior to joining Calvert Foundation, Shari led finance projects for the International Finance Corporation. These projects, based mainly in Central America and the Caribbean, channeled more than $250 million to banking, power, telecommunications, tourism and agribusiness.

Shari began her professional career as an Officer of the National Cooperative Bank, where she was responsible for technical services to US production cooperatives. She later served as Program Director for the non-governmental organization, Partnership for Productivity International. Shari has also held private-sector positions at Citibank, Salomon Brothers and a start-up international telecommunications company, Radio Movil Digital.

Shari has published numerous articles, including a 1997 study on banking regulation for micro-finance institutions worldwide and a 1991 paper on solidarity group lending methods. Shari serves on the boards of Community Wealth Ventures, MMA Community Development Investments and the Neighborhood Funders’ Group (a foundation affinity group). She has previously served on the board of the Social Investment Forum (the trade association for socially responsible investment professionals).


D. Wayne Silby, Co-Chair, Finance Committee Chair
John G. Guffey, Jr., Co-Chair, Audit Committee Chair
Carol Atwood
Margaret Clark
Seth Goldman
Mary Houghton
Senior Management Shorebank Corporation

Barbara J. Krumsiek
Ira Liberman
Elizabeth Littlefield
Terrence J. Mollner
Maria Otero
Reggie Stanley
Kathy Stearns


United States


7315 Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 1100W
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: (800) 248-0337
EIN: 52-1591398

Basic Needs



Support A Microloan

Microloan for a chick

Calvert Social Investment Foundation

Regular price $20.00

Your gift helps a microentrepreneur purchase livestock to expand her farm. These funds can the be used for her children's education, to feed the family, repair a home or grow her small business. Your gift is one of hope and opportunity!

Finance Fair Trade

Coffee co-op financing

Calvert Social Investment Foundation

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will provide upfront financing to farmer cooperatives to grow organic, fair trade coffee and generate enough income to meet their basic needs and send their children to school.