Turn Out The Lights 3

Turn Out The Lights 3

Save electricity. Save money. Save the planet.

Thank you for your tremendous generosity. If you plan to pay with PayPal, please note that the limit for an order is $5000. If you will pay with a credit or debit card, the limit is whatever your card issuer allows.

If you have not already subscribed to this nonprofit initiative, One Minute For Good, join us now to receive daily tips on the quickest and easiest ways to make a difference for your favorite cause. Everyone is welcome. Students can join us as a College or High School Ambassador. Please share with others, too.

The Problem

85 million tons of CO2 go into the atmosphere each hour due to domestic lights.

Your One Minute For Good

  • Look around your home or office. See any lights that are not in use? Do your wallet and the planet a favor. Turn off those lights. There's no sense in spending money and spewing carbon into the atmosphere to light an empty room.
  • Use the round blue buttons on the right to encourage others to take this action and further help protect the environment.
  • Click this button to add this action to your Digital Trophy Shelf and keep track of all the One Minute actions you take to make a difference.

[BUTTON GOES HERE - indented to align with bullet text above]

Our Nonprofit Partner on This Action

We would like to thank Defenders of Wildlife for providing this one-minute action and for all they do. They work on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife and habitats across North America. Together, we can ensure a future for the wildlife and wild places we all love.

Please see their charitable gifts:

  • Give these gifts in a friend's name as a meaningful present or just to make a difference.
  • Add them to your charitable wish list at Changing The Present to let friends and family know that you would appreciate a donation made in your name.

Please Support One Minute For Good

Lots of people taking one minute actions are like countless drops of water that add up to an ocean. Please help support this nonprofit program with a donation of any amount.