Family Violence Prevention Fund


Violence. It shatters lives. Destroys families. Burdens communities. And occurs every day in every corner of our world. For more than two decades, the Family Violence Prevention Fund (FVPF) has developed innovative ways to stop violence-empower women-to support children-to strengthen communities.


The Family Violence Prevention Fund works to prevent violence within the home, and in the community, to help those whose lives are devastated by violence because everyone has the right to live free of violence.


For over two decades, the Family Violence Prevention Fund has worked to end violence against women and children around the world. Instrumental in developing the landmark Violence Against Women Act passed by Congress in 1994, and re-authorized in 2005, the FVPF has continued to break new ground by reaching new audiences including men and youth, through our Coaching Boys into Men program and Founding Fathers initiative. FVPF promotes leadership within isolated communities to ensure that violence prevention efforts become self-sustaining. In addition, FVPF has helped transform the way health care providers, police, judges, employers and the general public address violence. Whether it be through an in depth training, a public service announcement or an educational brochure, the FVPF is changing the way society views and addresses violence.


We: Helped pass and re-authorize the Violence Against Women Act; Wrote the Platform for Action at the U.N. World Conference on Women in Beijing; Partnered with the Ad Council to launch the first public education campaign on domestic violence; Changed practices in police departments and courtrooms; Trained doctors and nurses to recognize abuse; partnered with men to teach boys that violence never equals strength; Made the nation safer for battered immigrant women; Educated lawmakers and brought support to communities in need; developed services and policies on trafficking creating safety for women and children sold into sexual slavery and involuntary servitude.


United States


383 Rhode Island Street

Suite 304

San Francisco, CA 94103

Phone: (415) 252-8900

EIN: 94-3110973

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