Help Support Groups
HIV support groups

International HIV/AIDS Alliance USA
The absence or inadequacy of medical resources, coupled with high levels of stigma and discrimination, can make it particularly difficult for people living with HIV in developing countries to come to terms with their diagnosis. They may be unable to access the right treatment, suffer unpleasant side effects and often feel unwell. They may lose their jobs, fall into extreme poverty and be isolated in the community. Often, this causes deterioration in mental health.
The Gift
Your donation will help deliver self-help and psychosocial support services for people living with HIV. Being able to come together with others similarly affected, to receive counseling and share experiences, can be an invaluable source of support. When all hope seems to be lost, people with HIV benefit enormously from some encouragement and understanding, and they recover their will to live. They can receive good advice, share pain and loneliness, and help each other to solve problems. Experiencing solidarity in this way is also empowering.