Partners in Health

See our Gifts

Partners In Health (PIH) is a nonprofit corporation based in Boston, MA. Established in 1987, PIH is committed to working with partner organizations to improve the health and well-being of people living in poor communities. PIH believes that health care is a fundamental right not a priviledge.


To provide a preferential option for the poor in health care. By establishing long-term relationships with sister organizations based in settings of poverty, PIH strives to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need and to serve as an antidote to despair.


Through our early work in Haiti and Peru, Partners In Health has developed a comprehensive model of community-based care in resource poor settings. With our partner projects in Haiti, Peru, Russia, Mexico, Guatemala, Rwanda, Lesotho, and the United States (Boston), we ask the communities we serve what ails them—from AIDS to women’s health issues to malnutrition and illiteracy. Then we do whatever it takes to make them well.

Partners In Health provides access primary health care and social support to our patients and their families. Our programs including offer assistance where it is most needed—by providing free health care and education for the poor and addressing basic social and economic needs. PIH programs serve a broad spectrum of needs, including providing food, shelter, clean water, education, and economic opportunities.


Support for Partners in health goes where it counts most: to place beds in rural clinics and hospitals, to purchase AIDS medications for patients living in poverty, to provide food for malnourished children and HIV patients, and to train health professionals to administer treatment programs.


Haiti, Peru, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Mexico, Guatemala, Lesotho, United States, Dominican Republic, Kazakhstan, Malawi




641 Huntington Avenue

1st Floor

Boston, MA 02115

Phone: (617) 432-5256

EIN: 04-3567502

Basic Needs



Feed A Child

Feed a Child for Two Months

Partners in Health

Regular price $84.00

Your gift will provide food for the family of a malnourished child for two months.

Educate An Orphan

School supplies

Partners In Health

Regular price $10.00

$10 will buy school supplies for one child affected by HIV.

Repair A Roof

Roof for a family

Partners In Health

Regular price $200.00

$200 will provide repairs such as a tin roof to a house for a family of four.

Treat HIV

Home visits

Partners In Health

Regular price $100.00

$100 for an accompagnateur to visit an HIV patient daily in the home to administer life-saving antiretroviral therapy.

Feed A Child

2 months of food

Partners In Health

Regular price $84.00

Your gift will provide food for the family of a malnourished child for two months.

Prevent HIV

2 months of formula

Partners In Health

Regular price $70.00

$70 will provide the child of an HIV-positive mother with two months of infant formula.

Protect Families

15 mosquito bed nets

Partners In Health

Regular price $50.00

$50 will buy 15 mosquito bed nets to protect families against malaria.

Transport Patients

4 patients' travel

Partners In Health

Regular price $24.00

$24 will support transportation costs for 4 patients to reach a clinic for care.