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Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. Help PEN bring dynamic teachers and storytellers to thousands of students in underserved New York Ci

Inspire Students

One year of books

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PEN American Center


PEN launched Readers & Writers in 1990 to fight against ‘aliteracy,’ which is the ability to read without the inclination. Many schools with poor libraries and few resources are unable to contribute to culturally and politically vital societies by helping givie voice to the youth of underrepresented groups.

The Gift

Help PEN bring dynamic teachers and storytellers to thousands of students in underserved New York City public schools through the Readers & Writers program, and provide talented high school students in these schools with unparalleled writing mentoring workshop experiences as part of the program’s Writing Institute. Readers & Writers provides each participant with the books to be covered in the six-week session, and Writing Institute students receive books, journals, workshop training and mentoring, and a small travel stipend. Inspire students to read and write energetically and confidently with the gift of the books and workshops that enable their success in Readers & Writers and the Writing Institute.