Pew Center on Global Climate Change

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The Pew Center on Global Climate Change was established in 1998 as a non-profit, non-partisan and independent organization. Working on an issue that is often polarized and politicized, the Pew Center provides a forum for objective research and analysis and for the development of pragmatic policies and solutions. In eight years, the Pew Center has become a leading voice for sensible action to address the most pressing global environmental problem of the 21st century.


To provide credible information, straight answers, and innovative solutions in the effort to address global climate change.


At the Pew Center, we are producing first-rate analyses of key climate issues. The Pew Center distributes its reports to more than 4,000 opinion leaders throughout the world with thousands more downloaded monthly from the Center's website.

The Pew Center is also working to keep policy makers informed. The Pew Center's Eileen Claussen and staff regularly hold briefings with members of Congress, Executive Branch officials and international leaders. Additionally, the Pew Center has played an active role in bringing business leaders and policymakers together to discuss policy frameworks and solutions to climate change.

The Pew Center is engaging the business community in searching for solutions. We work with 41 major corporations in our Business Environmental Leadership Council (BELC). These primarily Fortune 500 companies are working with us to shape policy and chart practical solutions to climate change. To maintain our independence, the Pew Center accepts no monetary contributions from BELC companies.

The Pew Center also reaches out to educate key audiences. Pew Center staff members participate in scores of speaking engagements each year. Additionally, information and perspectives from the Pew Center are regularly featured in major national and international media.


Unaddressed, climate change will have significant impacts across the United States and around the world. For instance, sea-level rise will add to stresses coastal communities are already facing, including erosion, storms, and pressures from development. In the arid and semi-arid western US, relatively modest changes in precipitation can have large impacts on already limited water supplies. Terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal ecosystems of the US are particularly sensitive to climate change, threatening biodiversity and ecosystem goods and services such as fisheries and recreation. Even human health may be threatened as heat waves, extreme weather, and vector-borne diseases become more prevalent.


United States


2101 Wilson Blvd.

Suite 550

Arlington, VA 22201

Phone: (703) 516-4146

EIN: 54-1892252


Sponsor An Intern

One month of training

Pew Center on Global Climate Change

Regular price $1,000.00

Your donation will provide one month of hands-on training and experience for a student intern. You can help to train today’s generation of students to address climate change issues that will impact their future.