The Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa
See our GiftsOverview
Hunger and poverty can be overcome in the long term by increasing economic opportunity in rural areas – where two-thirds of Africans live. The Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa is a U.S.-Africa research/advocacy coalition founded in 2001 by former USAID Administrator Peter McPherson, AU Commission Chair Alpha Konaré, Lee Hamilton, and Sen. Robert Dole. The Partnership mobilizes support for long-term investment in agricultural markets and trade; infrastructure; science/technology; and relief to development.
We believe that economic growth must be market-based, supported by development of private commercial enterprise in Africa. The Partnership calls for African development to be led by Africans. It supports African initiatives and seeks to ensure that donor policies and programs are informed by Africans and responsive to African needs.
Partnership programs collect expert knowledge on what works in Africa, synthesize it into practical ideas to improve current U.S. and African policies and practices, and actively promote these solutions to key decision-makers in the U.S. and beyond. Key objectives are: convincing the U.S. government that cutting hunger and poverty in Africa should be one of its highest priorities; encouraging the World Bank and other multilateral agencies to restore agriculture and rural development as a priority and improve program effectiveness; urging the U.S. to increase funding and effectiveness in five areas: agricultural markets and trade, infrastructure, relief to development, science/technology and capacity-building; and promoting increased participation by the private sector in Africa.
To meet these objectives, the Partnership brings public and private sector leaders from Africa to meet with U.S. counterparts, develops research reports and organizes workshops, and briefings for the U.S. Congress and Executive Agencies, multilateral agencies, private sector and civil society.
Our work is carried out by: U.S.- based Working Groups with U.S. and African members; the Washington-based African Ambassadors’ Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD); and an African Agriculture Collaborators’ Network.
Improving the U.S. response to cutting hunger and poverty in Africa through strengthening U.S. policy and programs, and increasing public and private sector investments to foster agriculture-led, market-based economic growth in Africa.
499 South Capitol Street, SW
Suite 500B
Washington, DC 20003
Phone: (202) 479-4501
A project of Michigan State Univers (EIN: 02-1986600)
Regular price $2,00000 $2,000.00
Your gift of $2000 will sponsor a Capitol Hill breakfast for Congressmen, staff and U.S. Executive Agency personnel to hear directly from African farmers and agribusinesses about their experiences with AGOA and their priorities for assistance that will help them export more agricultural products. Increased exports will create more jobs in the African countryside and have a real impact on African poverty and hunger.