Adopt A Wolf
Help endangered wolves

Defenders of Wildlife
Hundreds of wolves have been killed because Alaska barbarically allows gunners to use airplanes to chase and shoot wolves. Entire wolf packs are being exterminated and snowmobiles are now allowed on the of hunt wolves as well. The Federal Airborne Hunting Act empowers the Administration to prevent the aerial killing of predators, but officials are ignoring this unjustified slaughter. Further, Idaho has proposed killing 75% of the wolves within one section of the Clearwater National Forest.
The Gift
Defenders of Wildlife depends on the support of caring people like you to help us pressure the Department of Interior to ensure maximum protection for wolves in the lower 48 states and end the horrific practice of aerial gunning in Alaska. Defenders also operates the wildly successful Wolf Compensation Trust, which reimburses ranchers at fair market value for verified losses of livestock to wolves. This program has been credited with increasing tolerance and acceptance of predators among ranchers and farmers throughout the American West. Your gift to Adopt A Wolf will help Defenders save wolves and other imperiled wildlife.