World Relief Corp Of National Association Of Evangelicals
See our GiftsOverview
World Relief believes that the Church must be the “hands of Jesus.”
We believe local church congregations offer hope and life; that the church offers the best context for working with the poor in overcoming their lack of opportunity. The local church with its emphasis on restored relationships can meet spiritual, social and physical needs.
We believe showing suffering people that Christians care and that the Church wants to make a lasting impact on their lives is a powerful expression of our faith and love for God.World Relief empowers, equips and strengthens churches to serve their communities, enabling them to act as beacons of hope to their people and to spread the life-changing power of Jesus Christ . Church-centered, grassroots initiatives tackle entrenched and intertwined problems of poverty – and people experience transformation in their lives, in their families, in their churches, and in their communities.
The Mission of World Relief, as originated within the National Association of Evangelicals, is to work with, for and from the Church to relieve human suffering, poverty and hunger worldwide in the name of Jesus Christ.
Disaster Response: Whether short-term relief or long-term rehabilitation, World Relief stands ready to mobilize human and material resources to help innocent victims of man-made conflicts and natural disasters.
Child Development: World Relief’s church-centered Child Development Program impacts the lives of tens of thousands of children and youth in Cambodia, Mozambique and Malawi – fostering physical, emotional and spiritual growth.
Maternal and Child Health: World Relief’s maternal and child health programs offer hundreds of thousands of mothers in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean the knowledge and education they need to raise strong, healthy children.
AIDS: Our comprehensive strategy focuses on mobilizing local churches at the grassroots level to effectively educate about AIDS, teach abstinence and marital fidelity, model Christian values, fight stigma, and care for those affected by AIDS.
Agriculture: World Relief comes alongside farmers, offering sustainable farming solutions. Teaching innovative and cost-effective agricultural methods, World Relief technicians teach farmers in Latin America and Africa about crop rotation and irrigation, and then they introduce them to national and international markets. Farmers come together in cooperatives, joining to compete in global markets, share better farming techniques and resources.
Microfinance: Through locally governed microfinance institutions, we give small loans, training and support to hardworking individuals – mostly vulnerable women – ensnared by poverty. To date, we’ve empowered more than 90,000 individuals to live productive, meaningful lives. Over the years, we’ve seen how initial loans of just $50-$75 can launch an individual on the path to economic self-sufficiency, spurring entrepreneurial ideas.
Refugee Care: In 23 cities across the United States, World Relief and the local church are welcoming newcomers to the country, easing their transition and developing new support networks to replace those left behind.
Immigrant Services: In US offices, World Relief offers legal support, job training and English classes to immigrants. In Baltimore, a Legal Services clinic reaches out to thousands of clients each year—helping them fill out paperwork, joining them at hearings and ensuring they understand their rights and responsibilities.
Trafficking Victim Protection: In the US, World Relief established a network to identify trafficking victims and help them with comprehensive services that include emergency housing, food, clothing, medical care, trauma counseling, legal assistance, and job training. Around the world, World Relief works through FAAST International, a network of faith-based organizations combatting trafficking.
World Relief works with local evangelical churches to bring relief to suffering people in the name of Christ.
Together, World Relief and partner churches are saving lives and restoring hope through ministries that address poverty, disease, hunger, persecution and the effects of war and disasters.
We meet suffering people's physical, emotional and spiritual needs - showing them that the Church cares because Jesus loves them.
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, China, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan, United States, Zambia
California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington
BALTIMORE, MD 21202-1602
Phone: (443) 451-1900
EIN: 23-6393344
Regular price $4200 $42.00
This gift will provide the resources to build a clay oven that will be the means for one individual to operate a bread baking business.