Protect A Student
One malaria net

iEARN-International Education and Resource Network-USA
Throughout Sub-saharan Africa, mosquitoes infect young people with Malaria at alarming rates, making it difficult to gain an education and often leading to life-long illness and even death. Yet, a low-cost solution is available. Students in iEARN Botswana schools need your help to provide mosquito nets to their families, protecting them at night time when mosquitoes are most active. Lives can be saved and children can go to school free of Malaria.
The Gift
Your $15 gift provides a mosquito net treated with natural repellent to one student in Botswana for protection against bites by mosquitos carrying the Malaria virus. Students at Gaborone Senior Secondary School in Gaborone, Botswana have embarked on a "Eradicate Malaria Project (http://www.iearn.org/projects/eradicationofmalaria.html)" to mobilize young people worldwide to help them stamp out this deadly disease. Students have produced an educational packet to accompany each net provided to a family on its effective use. Students will use the gift to purchase the nets locally in Botswana to maximize the number that can be provided to the families in their communities. As part of their research, students will report to their iEARN student peers at six month intervals on the number of new infections to demonstrate the effectiveness of the "Nets Save Lives" eradication campaign.