Prevent Conflict
The Caucasus

International Crisis Group
In an area characterized by fragile regimes and frozen conflicts, repressive political autocracies and poverty plague the long-suffering populations of the Caucasus. Resource-based patronage networks, strategic interests, and endemic corruption dominate the economic, political, and social spheres in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. From its base in Georgia, Crisis Group’s Caucasus Project monitors the democratization and conflict resolution processes in these countries.
The Gift
Your donation will support the work of Crisis Group’s Caucasus Project, covering the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Your gift will provide the resources for Crisis Group’s expert analysts to carry out research on the ground and make policy recommendations to combat widespread corruption in the governments, economies, and societies of these three fragile countries. Your donation will support the Caucasus Project’s efforts to help stem the autocratic tendencies of state leaders, decrease the region’s dependence on oil, and reduce fraud and coercion in elections and other democratic processes. In supporting the Caucasus Project, you will contribute to Crisis Group’s efforts to promote democracy and good governance in a corner of the world too often neglected by the International Community. For more information on this project please go to www.crisisgroup.org.