One Bullet Story
Violence education

International Physicians For The Prevention Of Nuclear War
Firearm deaths and injuries strike hardest in the countries of the Global South, placing an intolerable burden on people in Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia who already suffer disproportionately from poverty, disease, and the inequities of economic development. Small arms and light weapons flow into countries caught up in armed conflicts then remain long after hostilities have ended to exacerbate crime and interpersonal violence.
The Gift
firearm deaths and injuries strike hardest in the countries of the Global South, placing an intolerable burden on people in Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia who already suffer disproportionately from poverty, disease, and the inequities of economic development. Small arms and light weapons flow into countries caught up in armed conflicts then remain long after hostilities have ended to exacerbate crime and interpersonal violence. The victims of this public health and humanitarian crisis are too often invisible and lack the resources to confront those who profit from the global arms trade.