Promote Advocacy
Support agency efforts

Nysarc Inc., Broome-Tioga County Chapter
As you know, New York State is facing possibly its greatest economic challenge of all time. Under the recently enacted Deficit Reduction Plan, $65 million in cuts were assigned to NYS OMRDD services and programs and it is imperative that we continue to communicate to the Governor and the New York State Legislature, that we cannot and will not accept additional cuts that may seriously compromise ACHIEVE’s ability to provide continued, high quality services.
The Gift
Recently, individuals with disabilities, parents, family members and direct support professionals met with State Legislators to educate, inform and advocate, as part of a statewide initiative. ACHIEVE participated by sending representatives to meet with our local legislators. We wanted to stress to our legislators that the services we provide are not optional, they are essential. To point out that recent cuts to our system have removed all flexibility, and that future cuts will equal a reduction in services that could seriously impact the lives of individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. This gift will provide ACHIEVE with the resources needed to be able to continue advocating for services for individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities.