Counsel Teen Girls
Post-trauma counseling

Operation USA
The National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder cites a prevalence of mental health issues following a disaster, especially in children and adolescents. After Hurricane Katrina, instances of depression and post traumatic stress disorder in teenage girls soared, causing an increased need for mental health counseling to help them cope with the increased stress and sense of instability created by a disaster of such magnitude and the displacement that came with it.
The Gift
To address rising mental health issues, Operation USA has partnered with local clinics, schools and social workers in New Orleans to provide counseling to adolescent girls affected by Hurricane Katrina and other traumatic events. Your gift of $325 helps provide 30 young girls with therapeutic sessions specifically designed to help them cope with stress, reduce traumatic and grief reactions and offers a safe environment for the teens to share their thoughts and feelings about their experiences. The counseling is intended to help the girls return to normal post-traumatic behavior patterns, perform better in school, improve relationships with family and friends and demonstrate an increased knowledge of anger management, conflict resolution and be better prepared for any potentially impending future events or disasters.