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Your donation will help support our various programs to protect the whales, such as: SnotBot® is a modified consumer drone, which flies through the blow of a whale and collects exhaled “snot” on petri dishes. This blow contains a treasure trove of valuable biological information: DNA, stress and pregnancy hormones, microbiomes, and potentially many other biological compounds/indicators of the animal’s health and ecology. Best of...

Your donation will help support our important work. CORAL is launching a new era of reef conservation that facilitates coral adaptation to a changing climate. Our innovative conservation blueprint promotes coral adaptation within DIVERSE, CONNECTED, and LARGE networks of healthy reefs called Adaptive Reefscapes. The science tells us that when we conserve a diverse portfolio of coral reefs with differing species, variable environmental conditions, and...

Improve Air Quality

Stop pollution

Natural Resources Defense Council

Regular price $50.00

Your donation will support NRDC's effort to improve the nation's air quality by working at every level of government and in the courts to hold power companies, manufacturers and state and local authorities to strict pollution standards.

Interpretive Signs

Install One Sign

American Prairie Foundation

Regular price $1,000.00

This gift will help pay for one interpretive sign to be installed on the Reserve. The cost of each sign is $1,000. These signs will help to make American Prairie Reserve a more "visitor friendly" destination. They will provide visitors with a better understanding of the project's significance and the natural and cultural history of the landscape that the project protects.

Invest In Trees

One seedling nursery

The School for Field Studies

Regular price $1,000.00

Recent research at The School for Field Studies Center for Wildlife Management Studies indicates that the Acacia tortillis dominated woodlands in the region are under siege by both humans and elephants, by high livestock densities and more recently by prolonged and quite frequent droughts. Your gift will allow SFS students and faculty to establish a nursery that will provide tree seedlings to the neighboring Masaai...

Keep America Green

Land conservation

The Trust for Public Land

Regular price $50.00

This gift will give TPL the resources it needs to protect land for people to enjoy as parks, gardens and other natural places. We will do this by helping communities set priorities and plan networks of conserved land that meet public need, helping communities raise money from federal, state, local, and philanthropic sources, and finally it will assist us in the complex business of transitioning...

Light A Green Tree

Holiday carbon credits

Clean Air Cool Planet

Regular price $30.00

Through Clean Air-Cool Planet's "Green Trees" program, communities can “green up" the energy they use to light their holiday trees. Your gift of $25 makes it possible for a community to offset the carbon pollution from the town's holiday lighting by purchase of renewable energy certificates from NativeEnergy, investing in domestic energy from wind and small-farm methane generated electricity, reducing air pollution, greenhouse gases and...


Monitoring species

Wildlife Trust Inc

Regular price $100.00

This gift will provide funds to help our team of scientists working to monitor, protect and identify manatees.

Map Migrations

One GPS unit

The School for Field Studies

Regular price $400.00

With your gift, The School for Field Studies will be able to purchase a GPS unit that will provide our research teams with the tools they need to conduct relevant field research. GPS will help students and faculty at the Center for Wildlife Management Studies keep track of data such as the permanent structures in a group ranch in Kenya to monitor wildlife migration routes...

Monitor Beaches

Pollution alerts

Natural Resources Defense Council

Regular price $20.00

Your gift will help NRDC alert U.S. residents to pollution levels at area beaches, so that beachgoers can make safe choices about where to swim.

Monitor coastal pollution

Coral Reef Alliance

Regular price $0.00

Understanding the water quality enables us to better address the source of water pollution and implement appropriate solutions to help corals thrive. This gift will provide funds for one month of water quality monitoring in sensitive marine areas.

Monitor Coral Reefs

One research dive

The School for Field Studies

Regular price $25.00

Students and faculty at The School for Field Studies Center for Marine Resource Management in the Turks and Caicos Islands help monitor the condition of the spectacular coral reefs, both inside and outside the MPAs, using scientifically rigorous monitoring techniques. Based on their field observations, students assess the validity of indicator species for reef health, the effects of diver tourism, marine species interactions, the impact...

Paint a Playground

10 gallons of paint

New York Cares Inc

Regular price $250.00

Includes ten gallons of paint and painting supplies to transform an empty playground into a vibrant place for children to play.

Park Ranger Uniform

1 high-quality uniform

Amazon Conservation Association

Regular price $150.00

In 2000, ACA and its local partner ACCA established the world's first private conservation concession in the Los Amigos River watershed. The Los Amigos Conservation Concession covers 360,000 acres of old growth Amazonian forest at the base of the Andes in southeastern Peru. This watershed forms a lowland forest corridor that protects the eastern access of Manu National Park and connects it to the Tambopata...

Regular price $0.00

This gift covers one day of fuel for a patrol boat for Roatan Marine Park in Honduras. Patrol boats are operated in partnership with the Honduran Navy and used to monitor protected areas. They confiscate illegal gear such as nets or spears used to catch turtles and arrest people who are involved with illegal development like mangrove cutting.

Regular price $100.00

As part of this landmark conservation initiative, we’re working to restore Brazil’s Atlantic Forest – one of the world’s biggest and most endangered tropical forests – by planting 1 billion native trees over the next seven years. When you plant a tree for your friends and family they will feel good knowing we can all breathe a little easier.

Plant a Memory Tree

In-memory tree planted

NOLA Tree Project

Regular price $25.00

This gift will help restore the over 70% of the tree canopy that was destroyed due to Hurricane Katrina. It will help provide hope to the residents of New Orleans because planting trees gives body and life to ones dreams of a better future. You can honor someone important by having a tree planted in New Orleans in their memory.

Regular price $1.00

Tropical forests are the lungs of the Earth, storing enormous amounts of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in a never-ending cycle of life. The Atlantic Forest -- one of the biggest tropical forests in the world -- helps regulate the atmosphere and stabilize global climate. Plant a tree in this critical landscape for only one dollar.

Plant Delphinium

1 delphinium plant

New York Cares Inc

Regular price $5.00

Delphinium provides vibrant color in parks and gardens, attracting bumblebees and butterflies, which pollinate other plants.

Prevent Contaminants

Clean drinking water

Natural Resources Defense Council

Regular price $75.00

Your donation will help NRDC safeguard the country’s drinking water by pushing for citizens' right to know about contaminants in their water and by conducting scientific research and public education.