
See our Gifts

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Promote Clean Air

One anti-idling sign

Clean Air Cool Planet

Regular price $40.00

Fund an 18 x 24 permanent metal, reflective sign to help a community with its campaign to remind people to shut off their engines while they are waiting at the curb. Public education can help preserve public health, air and water quality while reducing the threat of global warming. Research has shown that even in low temperatures, idling a vehicle is an unnecessary waste of...

Promote Science

One book or journal

The School for Field Studies

Regular price $35.00

Your gift will fund the purchase of one book or one issue of a scientific journal for a library. This might be a field guide to Australian birds or African mammals, or an issue of a journal like Conservation Biology. SFS student and faculty researchers will use these library resources on a daily basis as they work to help local communities solve some of their...

Protect a Tree

Mulch for one tree

New York Cares Inc

Regular price $150.00

Trees need mulch to get nutrients and retain moisture. Volunteers will spread mulch so trees can grow to clean the air and provide shade. This kit includes mulch for one tree, a wheelbarrow, a pitchfork, and a shovel.

Protect Cheetahs

Cheetah Conservation

San Diego Zoo

Regular price $25.00

Your gift will support our efforts to research, analyze, and combat this deadly virus and promote cheetah conservation overall.

Protect Coasts

One water test

Surfrider Foundation

Regular price $5.00

Our trained volunteers conduct water testings throughout all coastal states of the US. The materials to conduct these tests cost $5. Within their local Surfrider Foundation chapters they can use the knowledge and fight the sources of pollution, to benefit the health of our oceans, waves and beaches!

Protect Land

Permanent protection

Natural Resources Defense Council

Regular price $40.00

Your donation will assist NRDC in securing permanent protection for millions of acres of parks and wildlands from pollution, oil drilling and mining and other development.

Confronting the issue through shark and ray conservation is a catalytic solution to this global problem. Sharks and rays are keystone species that play an essential role in our oceans and coastal communities. As apex predators, sharks and rays stabilize food webs and act as a barometer for ocean health. Fostering healthy shark and ray populations is essential to the creation of healthier ecosystems, which,...

Protect Wildlife

15 acres of land

National Wildlife Federation

Regular price $30.00

How you can help: Right now we have a special opportunity to purchase grazing privileges on four different allotments next to Yellowstone. It is vital that we are fully prepared to act with the proper funds on hand, the moment an agreement is reached. The great news…it only costs $2 to adopt one wildlife acre. So for $30 you can protect wildlife on 15 full...

Provide habitat

Help purchase land

Rocky Mountain Wildlife Conservation Center

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will enable the Sanctuary to continue building large acreage habitats for rescued animals to live in. Animals that once lived in tiny cages, horse trailers, garages or concrete pits will finally be free - as they should be - and also be able to enjoy the companionship of others of their own kind. Your gift will make all the difference, as we believe:...

Recruit A Leader

One climate champion

Clean Air Cool Planet

Regular price $30.00

Your gift will fund Clean Air-Cool Planet's ongoing efforts to provide environmental intelligence, expertise and networking to businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service sectors - helping them provide leadership in solving global by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. CA-CP partners with small and medium-sized businesses in order to implement solutions to climate change and build constituencies for effective climate policies and actions. You can...

Remove 1 ton of CO2

Remove 2205 lbs of CO2

Carbonfund. org Foundation

Regular price $10.00

This gift will neutralize 1 ton or 2,205lbs of CO2 from the atmosphere. will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions equal to your annual emissions...

Replace Gasoline

Biofuel investment

Rocky Mountain Institute

Regular price $90.00

Your gift will help RMI convince investors that cellulosic technologies are possible. We will work to convince the fuels industry how and why they can make money adopting these new technologies and concomitant business models. RMI has the capabilities to develop these compelling business cases. Once the business and regulatory strategies have been defined, RMI’s role will be to help bring this message to investors...

Research Solutions

Efficiency research

Rocky Mountain Institute

Regular price $20.00

$20 will cover research time for answering questions coming from visitors to RMI’s website about how to improve energy efficiency of homes.

Restore 1/2 Acre

Mangrove Restoration

Mangrove Action Project

Regular price $100.00

Help MAP Conserve and/or Restore One-half Acre of Mangrove Forest Today there is a growing urgency to recognize the importance of conserving and restoring protective mangrove greenbelts to lessen the dangers from future natural catastrophes, because as sea level rises, so will the frequency and intensity of hurricanes and cyclones. Mangroves can buffer against the fury of such destructive storms, protecting those settlements located behind...

Restore Kenyan Land

One year of research

World Agroforestry Centre

Regular price $10.00

Your gift of $10 will support soil restoration research for a year on one square yard of one of Africa's most fragile ecosystems. Your support will supply the scientific data needed to halt degradation and lead to the planting indigenous tree species, many of which are fast disappearing in Western Kenya. The data generated will be used starting in 2008 to rehabilitate large sections of...

Right Whales

Aerial surveys

Wildlife Trust Inc

Regular price $100.00

Your gift to Wildlife Trust will help us continue our important work protecting nature and safeguarding ecosystem and human health.

Save A Rainforest

5 tropical seedlings

The School for Field Studies

Regular price $50.00

Over the last ten years, students and faculty at The School for Field Studies Center for Rainforest Studies have planted more than 15,000 trees, many of which were grown from seed at our own field station nursery. Your gift will support rainforest tree production in our nursery and enable us to transplant our seedlings into rainforest restoration sites where they will help combat fragmentation and...

Save A Sea Turtle

Beach conservation

Defenders of Wildlife

Regular price $35.00

Your donation will help us work with our conservation partners to protect coastal beaches used by sea turtles as nesting sanctuaries, educate coastal home and hotel owners on how bright lights interrupt turtle nesting, as well as work to prevent international fishing conglomerates from dismantling laws that protect sea turtles from harmful fishing practices. Your gift will help Defenders save sea turtles and other imperiled...

Save An Elephant

One hour of research

The School for Field Studies

Regular price $15.00

Your gift will fund one student researcher for one hour of data collection at The School for Field Studies Center for Wildlife Management Studies. Data collected will be used to develop a land-use plan for the Kimana, Kuku and Mbirikani Group Ranches that will identify economically sustainable measures that can be taken by these Masaai group ranches to decrease human-elephant conflict and wildlife conflict in...

Save and Protect!

Wildlife Conservation

San Diego Zoo

Regular price $50.00

Enrichment includes the introduction of objects, sounds, smells or other stimuli in the animal’s environment at the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park. With your gift, we can buy toys and supplies to enrich the lives of our critters.