
See our Gifts

-Photo Contest Entries

A Gift Card



Arts and Culture



District of Columbia


Honor Society



influencer-wedding plannerAlabama

influencer-wedding plannerCalifornia

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influencer-wedding plannerGeorgia




North Carolina



Organization Type



Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)

Schools and Teachers

Social Fraternity

Student Government



Advocate Globally

Grants and training

Population Action International

Regular price $100.00

For $100, you can support PAI's advocacy grants program. This program provides small but powerful seed grants and training opportunities to organizations in developing countries, building their advocacy capacity so that they can effectively fight for strong family planning and reproductive health policies in their countries, as well as at the regional and international levels.

Affordable Transit

Help for Poor Seniors

Building Opportunities For Self-Sufficiency

Regular price $20.00

This gift will provide transportation assistance to homeless seniors so they can get around in the community and meet daily health and household needs, connect with family and friends, and maintain a high quality of life. Assistance provided may include discount senior bus passes, train, commuter rail or BART fare, or taxi vouchers. This gift will help very low income seniors maintain a high level...

AFG Rock The Vote!!

Give the power to vote

Alternatives for Girls

Regular price $50.00

Your gift of $50 will help us to hold our Voter Registration Drive at AFG on August 8th from 11am - 3pm. We are not promoting one party or another; we are just educating our community on the importance of voting and providing them the opportunity to register that day. We are working hard to publicize this event not only to our AFG participants but...

African Technology

Greatest Needs

IDE-International Development Enterprises

Regular price $5.00

Your gift will allow IDE to respond to the urgent needs of our communities, allowing us to have the greatest impact on the greatest number of people. Your gift will be used to develop affordable farming technologies such as treadle pumps, drip irrigation systems or improved well drilling techniques. IDE will put your money to work where it will have the greatest influence on rural...

Aid A Fellow

4 hours of legal support

Ashoka: Innovators for the Public

Regular price $25.00

The ASE network mobilizes law firms and public interest lawyers to support the hundreds of Ashoka Fellows around the globe and eventually the broader networks of social entrepreneurs by providing them access to legal professionals who can help them navigate the legal environment to enhance institution building, policy change, and support human rights through domestic and international pro bono legal assistance. To date ASE has...

Aid An Entrepreneur

Marketing services


Regular price $25.00

Your $25 gift will provide professional consulting services to one entrepreneur. The project will assist entreprenuers in developing: market analysis of opportunities; marketing strategy; marketing materials; and revised/redesigned packaging. The project will create the following sustainable results within 1 year: $10,000 increase in client sales; $2,000 increase in profits; $1,000 increased purchases from suppliers; and 50 small producers with increased sales.

Aid Communities

One climate intern

Clean Air Cool Planet

Regular price $1,500.00

Give a cash-strapped community a person whose work could save millions in energy costs – and dramatically reduce the threat of global warming at the same time. Your $1500 gift allows Clean Air–Cool Planet to help place, supervise and support community interns to: create or update a community’s greenhouse gas inventory; create a local Climate Action Plan; develop pilot projects to reduce community global warming...

Aid Disabled Latinos

10 outreach posters

World Institute on Disability

Regular price $10.00

We reach out to Latinos with disabilities and connect them with services that can help them find support and employment. Our fully bilingual program partners with agencies across the country to provide culturally accessible information and direct services to disabled Latinos and their families. But, no one can take advantage of a program if they don’t know that it exists. Your gift of just $10...

Aid Georgia Refugee

Supplies for a family

Cooperative Housing Foundation

Regular price $25.00

CHF’s will address immediate needs especially in shelter while looking for ways to help the population restart their livelihoods as quickly as possible. The quality of response at the beginning of a displacement crisis is critical to the longer-term well being of the affected populations. CHF’s interventions will provide a foundation for affected families to recover from the crisis. Your gift will supply one family...

Aid Mental Health

Ship meeting materials

World Federation for Mental Health

Regular price $50.00

$50 will assist in mailing a box of material to upcoming meetings around the world - such as Hong Kong, Austria, California, Australia.

Aid Pregnancy

One midwifery kit

American Refugee Committee

Regular price $135.00

Your gift will give expectant mothers the support they need. From providing training and education to midwives, to equipping them with the sterilized and safe delivery and first-aid kits they need, to providing mothers and infants with post-delivery care – giving birth will be easier and safer. What gift is better than giving a mother and child a healthy beginning? Your loved one will be...

Aid Recovery

4 toys for children

Associacao Saude Crianca Renascer

Regular price $20.00

We will buy a toy for each of four children in a family, helping to aid their recovery and provide them with happy moments.

Aid Recovery

2 household appliances

Associacao Saude Crianca Renascer

Regular price $50.00

Your donation covers the average cost to provide two electrical appliances (including fans, irons, and blenders) for the families of sick children, to help them recover more quickly.

Aid Rwanda Children

Supplies for 1 child

Cooperative Housing Foundation

Regular price $30.00

Far from a mere hand-out, supporting Rwanda’s orphans and vulnerable children with proper nutrition, materials, school fees and training will provide the country’s future leaders with opportunities to succeed and thrive in life. We provide nutritional support and playtime for those under 6; school materials, uniforms and playtime for kids in primary school; school fees, psychosocial support and materials to those in secondary school; and...

Aid Veterans

Program supervision

National Coalition for Homeless Veterans

Regular price $50.00

This gift will provide supervision of the National Stand Down program for one day. NCHV is the national coordinator of the Stand Down program. The staff monitors programs nationwide, maintains the Stand Down Registry so veterans and service providers can connect with programs in their communities, advocates for federal and corporate funding support and in-kind donations, and publishes the Stand Down Manual -- a tool...

Aid Vision Programs

Awareness Campaign


Regular price $50.00

Due to the lack of awareness about the existence of low cost reading glasses among people in the developing world, our Vision Entrepreneurs find it necessary to launch comprehensive marketing campaigns which educate the public about eye health, as well as showing off their different products. This gift, of $50, will enable a Vision Entrepreneur to pay for these important eye care campaigns, increasing the...

Regular price $0.00

Alert the Network

One month of messages

Amnesty International USA

Regular price $30.00

Pay for a month’s worth of messages to be sent as part of an Urgent Action campaign to save someone in imminent danger of torture or facing death. Amnesty International's global Urgent Action network provides an effective and rapid means of preventing some of the most life-threatening human rights violations against individuals. As soon as Amnesty learns that a person is in danger of human...

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. My Lifestyle At vero eos et accusamus et...

See my wishlist

  • Photographer
  • Member, Magnum
  • Professor, Pratt Institute