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Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)

Schools and Teachers

Social Fraternity

Student Government



Reading is at the very core of education. By helping provide students with books, you are ensuring that they become lifelong readers, that they get to explore new worlds and gain knowledge, and that they have the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

Reading is at the very core of education. By helping provide students with books, you are ensuring that they become lifelong readers, that they get to explore new worlds and gain knowledge, and that they have the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

Books for Youth

Distribute Books

The Beat Within (a program of Pacific News Service)

Regular price $10.00

We like to bring books to our workshops as a reward to youth who show interest in writing or are scared to write because their literacy levels are low. Your gift will help The Beat Within distribute books on topics appropriate for young adults.

Books of Healing

50 Books of Healing

Healing Environments

Regular price $50.00

Our Tiny Books of Healing have proven to be very effective in comforting the suffering of those who so desperately need it. This gift will provide supportive publications that speak specifically to the patients and their families needs to address the issue of suffering and dealing with pain and loss. These publications also provide inspiration, comfort, and solace to those who face such a difficult...

Boost A Business

2 hr Business Coaching

Anewamerica Community Corporation

Regular price $100.00

Your gift provides a new American entrepreneur with one-on-one technical assistance with an industry professional. This session is designed to help them boost their business, activate their marketing plans, access markets, and propel their businesses into the next level. Through our Access to Markets program, AnewAmerica offers its entrepreneurs a variety of services to help them expand and establish the business plans they developed during...

Boost Business

Loan for a woman

Mercy Corps

Regular price $45.00

Recognizing that women worldwide are the engines of advancement for their families, Mercy Corps invests in the small businesses of female entrepreneurs. We provide training and loans to help women turn their dreams into successful enterprises, which not only fulfill unmet community needs but also help fund their children's education and ensure their families' well-being. A small loan is often the difference between a life...

Boost Immunity

Breasfeeding awareness

Freedom from Hunger

Regular price $36.00

$36 ensures that women like Helene learn the importance of breastfeeding.

Box-Out Sponsorship

Sponsor a participant

Homeless Outreach Poverty Eradication

Regular price $30.00

Box-Out raises money for the Community Empowerment Fund (CEF), which offers savings opportunities, micro-loans, financial education, and assertive support to individuals who are underemployed and unemployed. Each Box-Out Sponsorship goes DIRECTLY to CEF, meeting clients' needs on an individual basis. Box-Out is a UNC-CH event during which students get sponsored to sleep in the Pit in cardboard boxes for a night, raising awareness of issues...

  Personal I am a life-long native of Atlanta, and it remains my favorite city. I was born here, as were both of my parents--all of us at Piedmont Hospital. A few years later, I graduated from Georgia Tech, where I met my wife, Julie. After working for a few years, I went back for my MBA. Julie and I have three wonderful children: Emma,...

See my wishlist

Break Down Silos

Network collaboration

Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure

Regular price $35.00

You gift will help foster collaboration across institutional lines and hasten a cure for brain cancer. To accelerate the transition of therapies into clinical studies for patients, ABC² has initiated a strategic collaboration, the ABC² Clinical Network. It is composed of four leading neuro-oncology centers and clinical investigators who work together to: provide guidance and counsel to the sponsors of drug therapies (particularly in the...

Break Poverty Cycle

Start a small business

Opportunity International

Regular price $25.00

Oportunidad Microfinanzas, an Opportunity microfinance bank, provides small working capital loans for people in chronic poverty. Loans range from $100 to $500, about what our target clients are borrowing from moneylenders. Spared high interest rates, our clients earn more to invest in the business. Their increased income helps them meet basic family needs. Children are going to school, not work. Group lending through Trust Banks...

Bridge the Divide

Teach young and old

Generations United

Regular price $15.00

Your gift provides access to program models and materials to begin or enhance an intergenerational technology program.

Bridge the Divide

One month of internet

Mercy Housing, Inc.

Regular price $50.00

Your gift helps bridge the digital divide by providing internet access for our residents at one of our computer labs for one month.

Bridge the Divide

Political dialogue

Search for Common Ground

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will help pay for the development of constructive dialogues on critical issues, bringing together Democratic and Republican leaders, along with top experts from relevant fields. For instance, people representing all perspectives on health care for the uninsured come together to bridge their differences and find common ground on how to extend health care to the tens of millions of Americans who do not...

Brief Capitol Hill

2 hour briefing

Center for Global Development

Regular price $100.00

CGD experts communicate information that is relevant for policy decisions. Drawing on rigorous research that looks carefully at the ways in which trade, aid, debt and migration policies affect poor people and communities, CGD researchers and communications staff are able to convey to members of Congress and to their staffs ideas for policy changes and improvements which increase the chance that developing countries will succeed...

Briefing Congress

Educate your rep

Global Security Institute

Regular price $175.00

Our DC-based Bipartisan Security Group provides Members of Congress and their staff with the credible, experienced, insightful information on nuclear weapons policy that they need to make informed decisions that make our country and our world safer, now. The BSG is comprised of former diplomats, intelligence officers, lawyers and other experts, from BOTH sides of the aisle, providing an authoritative view on the most pressing...

Bring a Grandparent

To Help out Dad

Andre Sobel River Of Life Foundation

Regular price $150.00

Your gift will pay for transportation for a grandparent to visit and care for the siblings at home. Your gift will help with gas, a long distance bus ticket, or plane fare. Not only will your gift give siblings their loving grandparent to care for them during this fragile time, but it will give Dad peace of mind knowing that he can focus on his...

Bring Clean Water

The Gift of the Magi

African Medical and Research Foundation

Regular price $25.00

A gift of $25 will provide clean water to an African family for one month. Your donation will truly be a "gift of the magi." With your contribution, AMREF will work to reduce the prevalence of water and sanitation related diseases that needlessly kill African families -- and improve their general hygiene. How? We will work with community water committees to build shallow wells, boreholes...

This is where I talk about my favorite causes.

See my wishlist

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est: Environment; Animal Welfare; Hunger