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Improve Microfinance

One newsletter issue

Microcredit Summit Campaign logo

Microcredit Summit Campaign


The microfinance field is young and dynamic. However, strategies for overcoming challenges in one country can take years to reach another. Practitioners need to learn ways to 1) cost-effectively reach the poorest, 2) reduce costs through greater efficiency, 3) measure and improve impact, and 4) access commercial funds. The Microcredit Summit’s e-News Bulletin excerpts workshop sessions from our global and regional meetings on innovations and good practice. This bulletin disseminates our dynamic learning agenda worldwide.

The Gift

Your donation goes towards the production and publication of one issue of the e-News Bulletin in one language. The Campaign's newsletter is published online and goes to 14,000 leaders in 130 countries in four languages, the largest circulation in the field. Each issue brings into focus the challenges faced in fighting poverty - and innovative solutions.