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Religious Charities
Regular price $26000 $260.00
This gift makes it possible for a Dalit in a self-help group sponsored by the Dalit Freedom Network (DFN) to receive a small loan to start a business. Loan recipients develop a reliable source of income and gain self-respect and dignity by repaying the amount. Plus, as the loan is paid back with a fair interest rate, another group member may receive funding. When Sabita’s...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
With a $100 loan, a Haitian woman can rent a market stall and increase her income two-fold. And you're providing a self-employment loan, not a gift. Your donation will build discipline, responsibility, and self-confidence as women create their own business. And as each loan is repaid, the borrower's line of credit increases by an amount equal to her accumulated savings.
Regular price $4500 $45.00
Recognizing that women worldwide are the engines of advancement for their families, Mercy Corps invests in the small businesses of female entrepreneurs. We provide training and loans to help women turn their dreams into successful enterprises, which not only fulfill unmet community needs but also help fund their children's education and ensure their families' well-being. A small loan is often the difference between a life...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Added income from a $50 loan can help a Tanzanian mother expand her business and feed her children more nutritious food.. And you're providing a self-employment loan, not a gift. Your donation will build discipline, responsibility, and self-confidence as women create their own business. And as each loan is repaid, the borrower's line of credit increases by an amount equal to her accumulated savings.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
With a loan of $50, a client could buy bags of rice and cereal grains to sell in the market. Then the client can use the profits from selling the grains to buy more inventory, improve their home, and to hire an assistant.
Regular price $500 $5.00
IMED, an Opportunity International partner, is a microfinance organization based in Chennai. When the tsunami struck, the IMED staff was quick to respond, surveying the damage in stricken areas, participating in relief activities and gauging the future needs of tsunami victims. Opportunity is now embarking on an aggressive expansion plan in India. By the end of 2006, IMED’s microfinance activity will be transferred to a...
Regular price $2500 $25.00
Oportunidad Microfinanzas, an Opportunity microfinance bank, provides small working capital loans for people in chronic poverty. Loans range from $100 to $500, about what our target clients are borrowing from moneylenders. Spared high interest rates, our clients earn more to invest in the business. Their increased income helps them meet basic family needs. Children are going to school, not work. Group lending through Trust Banks...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift will provide a capital loan which will be used to support a business run by a group of women or an individual woman. The loan will be linked with classes to support the business including account keeping, savings mechanisms, etc. In addition, the beneficiaries of the loan will be linked to the reproductive and sexual health services implemented by VEI. All loan reimbursement...
Regular price $4,50000 $4,500.00
Your gift helps us strengthen local programs, such as those in Indonesia. To help survivors there rebuild their lives after the tsunami, Grameen Foundation has provided support and funding to two local microfinance institutions. The MFIs have grown and are currently helping 6,700 families regain hope for their futures. GF has also worked with the local government and other non-profit organizations to make sure our...
Regular price $2800 $28.00
Your donation will fund the research team that annually collects, verifies and publishes the most comprehensive count of microfinance clients in the world. The report profiles the institutions that are providing a hand up and not a hand out to the world’s poorest people. This is the only data of its kind and is used by UN agencies and other global institutions. Over the nine...
Regular price $25000 $250.00
A $250 loan could allow a client to buy a commercial tortilla press to launch a business selling tortillas. Items such as the tortilla press allow women to work faster and produce more. This initial investment enables women earn more in less time. Women then spend more money on the health, eduation and quality of life for themselves and their children. Greater efficiency and greater...
Regular price $1,20000 $1,200.00
Your gift will allow the Grameen Foundation Educational Scholarship Program to cover the public school fees for five years of a borrower's child. Microfinance is one of the most powerful solutions to poverty in existence today. It attacks poverty at its roots and allows a poor person to gain a foothold against day-to-day impoverishment. Microfinance – small loans complemented by savings, insurance and other services...
Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Microcredit Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your support will help us to provide a community with a small grant, often used to establish a rotating microcredit fund, which helps community members, particularly women, with the investment they need to start small businesses, invest in agriculture, or take on other income-generating activities. The Community Management Committee (CMC) will operate the microcredit fund based on a group-lending, revolving-funds system, working together to set...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your donation enables researchers to obtain credible evidence that these microcredit borrowers are leaving the miseries of extreme poverty. The Microcredit Summit Campaign is working with the largest microfinance institutions in the world, with millions of clients each, to measure the progress of their clients as they work their way out of poverty. When the Microcredit Summit Campaign reaches its goal of assuring that 100...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will provide the seed capital necessary for a poor farmer in Nicaragua to take the first steps out of poverty by starting a microenterprise.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Giving a loan (often called “microcredit") for families to launch small enterprises has proven to be a successful strategy in earning income. A loan to purchase and raise animals, such as cows, rabbits, sheep, chickens and roosters is the perfect gift for someone who cares deeply about providing opportunity and empowering a family to lift itself out of poverty. Your $50 donation will enable Operation...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
Your gift helps a microentrepreneur purchase livestock to expand her farm. These funds can the be used for her children's education, to feed the family, repair a home or grow her small business. Your gift is one of hope and opportunity!
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Like all Opportunity banks, Opportunity International Bank Rwanda will be expected to reach a triple bottom line of scale, sustainability, and transformation. In pursuing these goals, it will build on the experience of neighboring Opportunity International banks in reaching large numbers of micro and small entrepreneurs with loans, savings, basic business training and HIV/AIDS education. The new start-up has potential to serve 50,000 families annually...
Regular price $9500 $95.00
Your gift will provide a loan for one woman to start a fruit stand at her local market, giving her a way to break through poverty, gain self-confidence and expand job opportunities in her community. Microfinance is one of the most powerful solutions to poverty in existence today. It attacks poverty at its roots and allows a poor person to gain a foothold against day-to-day...