Save a Child's Heart Foundation
See our GiftsOverview
SAVE A CHILD'S HEART saves the lives of critically ill children suffering from heart disease in countries where access to pediatric heart care is limited or nonexistent. Through bringing children to Israel for medical care, performing missions abroad, and training medical personnel, we are bringing hope to families, communities, and countries. As ISRAEL'S PREEMINENT HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION, we are transforming pediatric cardiac care around the world.
Our mission is to Save Children in Urgent Need of Heart Care.
Since 1995 Save a Child’s Heart saves the lives of critically ill children suffering from heart disease in countries where access to pediatric heart care is limited or nonexistent. We mend hearts regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality, or financial status.
Provide life-saving cardiac surgery and catheterization for children from developing countries at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, Israel
• Provide a comprehensive training program in Israel for doctors and nurses from these countries
• Lead surgical and catheterization teaching missions to partner countries in the developing world
• Hold pre-operative and follow-up cardiology clinics in Israel and abroad
Leadership and Board
Chief Executive: Rabbi David Litwack- Executive Director
Board:Vivian Bass, President
Jeff Hoffman, Immediate Past President
Judy Shore, Immediate Past President
Barry Perlis, Past President
Simon Elias, Vice President
Mark Kahan, Vice President
Marc Feinberg, Treasurer
Erica Kane, Secretary
George Douglas
Ben Feder
Yan Katsnelson
Carmi Kobren
Joseph Lucosky
Laura Ozer
Andrea Rich
Brad Rosen
Margy Rosenbluth
Jessica Schneider
Shelli Semler
Peter Wells
We provide the life-saving care from Israel. We treat children from over 65 countries. 50% of the children treated come from the West Bank and Gaza. 40% come from Africa and the rest come from other places around the world where they have lack of access to the medical care for the children in need.
PO Box 59172
Potomac, MD 20859-9172
T 240.223.3940
See Our Video
We work to save at least a child a day. Your gift will go directly to helping us save a child's heart by supporting medical treatment, accommodations and transportation for a child and mother.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will help provide medical supplies for team members to perform life-saving operations and cardiac procedures for children. Our medical team works along slide local partners to screen and treat children who otherwise would not have access to the urgent care they need