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Art Clothing Education  My Lifestyle I carry an eco bag at any time. In order to avoid the use of plastic bags.  My Volunteering and Community Service I was a social worker at the nursing home for two years. I have done a lot of things here, including computer work, printing, cleaning and so on, and I learned social life.  My Charitable Wish List on...

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Cancer Environment Mental Health STEM Education Suicide Prevention Technology Technology Access  Regions and Countries I Care About China  Ethnic Groups Whose Charities I Care About East Asian, Pacific Islanders, South Asian  My Lifestyle I almost always walk or use public transportation to get the where I need to go and I reuse water bottles and paper.  My Volunteering and Community Service I have volunteered as...

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Children and Youth Community Health Disaster Relief Environment Global Health Homelessness Human Trafficking Mental Health National Parks & Forests Poverty Alleviation Sexual Abuse Suicide Prevention Volunteering & Community Service  Regions and Countries I Care About Africa, Central America, Middle East, South America, South Asia  Ethnic Groups Whose Charities I Care About African American, East Asian, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, South Asian  Religious Charities I Care...

Adoption Children and Youth Domestic Abuse HIV/AIDS Homelessness Human Rights Human Trafficking LGBTQ+ Voter Registration Women and Girls  Ethnic Groups Whose Charities I Care About African American, East Asian, Latinx / Hispanic, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, South Asian  My Lifestyle I educate myself on human rights issues, especially for women and the LGBTQA+ community.  My Charitable Wish List on Changing The Present I love the...

Education Women and Girls  My Charitable Wish List on Changing The Present I love the idea of people donating instead of buying unwanted presents. It is a much more meaningful way to show your love.

Agriculture Animal Rescue Autism Cancer Children and Youth Climate Change Clothing College or University Community Health Disabilities Education Empathy & Kindness Environment Financial Literacy Homelessness Housing Human Rights Human Trafficking Hunger LGBTQ+ Mental Health National Parks & Forests Schools and Teachers Science Research Sexual Abuse STEM Education Suicide Prevention Sustainable Food Technology Volunteering & Community Service Voter Registration Water Women and Girls  Regions and Countries...

Climate Change Disaster Relief Education Environment Hunger Veterans Water  My Charitable Wish List on Changing The Present I love the idea of people donating instead of buying unwanted presents. It is a much more meaningful way to show your love. Please see my charitable wish list, and please create your own.   

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Animal Rescue Animals(Domestic) Animals(Wild) Children and Youth Homelessness Hunger Poverty Alleviation  My Lifestyle Since I go to school in Manhattan, there is unfortunately many homeless individuals I pass daily and I always try to give at least one person a little bit of money every week. I recycle at work, school, and at home. I reuse my water bottles and try to avoid using plastic...

After School Art Environment Global Health Hunger Libraries Music Music Education Peace Water  Regions and Countries I Care About Africa, Middle East, China  Ethnic Groups Whose Charities I Care About African American, East Asian, South Asian  My Charitable Wish List on Changing The Present I love the idea of people donating instead of buying unwanted presents. It is a much more meaningful way to show...

Disaster Relief Empathy & Kindness  My Lifestyle I recycle anything that can be recycled, and enjoy reusing other people's clothes that they do not want. I also make sure none of the food that I eat goes to waste.  My Volunteering and Community Service Volunteer, D'Youville at St. Mary's Hospital; Lewiston, ME - May 2019 - present ' Visit residents and speak with them about...

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Animal Rescue Children and Youth Civil Society Education Entrepreneurship  Regions and Countries I Care About South Asia  My Charitable Wish List on Changing The Present I love the idea of people donating instead of buying unwanted presents. It is a much more meaningful way to show your love. Please see my charitable wish list, and please create your own.   

See my wishlist