College Campaign for Changing the Present
Each year, Americans spend $450 billion on birthday, wedding, and holiday presents. We have begun to channel some of that fortune to nonprofits and schools, so they can feed the hungry, educate students, find a cure for cancer, stop climate change, care for the elderly, protect human rights, and more.
We do that by making it easy and rewarding to show your love with a meaningful donation in a friend's name, in lieu of buying and giving yet more "stuff." That gift-like experience includes specific charitable gifts to make a difference, personalized printed greeting cards, e-cards, wish lists and registries, charitable gift cards, and more.
Imagine the impact we can make together as more and more people give and request these alternative presents! Each 1% of the money now spent on presents is $4.5 billion a year--more than the largest nonprofit in the country raises nationwide.
Our new College Campaign gives students an easy and effective way to take a leadership role in creating a better world. Here are the major components:
Student Profile Pages
Please click the links to see how these pages recognize and encourage students making a difference
Intro to Student Profile Pages
Sample High School page (note that students who create a profile page appear on their college page)
Charitable Donations as Presents
At the same time that nonprofits’ capacity to address critical needs is hindered by a lack of funding, Americans spend $450 billion a year on birthday, wedding, and holiday presents. We make it easy and rewarding to make a charitable donation in a friend’s name, in lieu of buying yet more merchandise. Here is a sample charitable gift.
Recruiting Pages for College Public Engagement Interns
We are recruiting Public Engagement Interns at each college. As well as generalists, we will also have roles for each cause, country, ethnic group, and religion. Here are the first few pages. We are creating more now.
Changing The Present Clubs
We will help students to create Changing The Present Clubs at their colleges to encourage more participation and more funding for every charitable cause.
Are you interested in helping build this movement? Join us!