Facts About Aging



By the year 2030, the older population in the United States is expected to more than double to about 71.5 million.

U.S. Administration on Aging



20 percent of emergency food recipients in the United States are elderly.

Brandeis University



1 in 6 elderly Americans have an inadequate diet.

Urban Institute



At 22 percent, the poverty rate for Hispanic's over 65 years old is more than double the poverty rate for the total U.S. population.

U.S. Administration on Aging



The number of people aged 60 and older is expected to triple by 2050.

U.S. Administration on Aging



By 2050, the population of older persons will be larder than the population of children for the first time in human history.

U.S. Administration on Aging



50 percent of the world's elderly live in Asia.

U.S. Census Bureau



24 percent of the world's elderly live in Europe.

U.S. Census Bureau