Facts About Landmines



Only 10% of landmine victims have access to appropriate health care and rehabilitation services.

Landmine Survivors Network



80 percent of landmine victims are civilians.

Landmine Survivors Network



25 percent of landmine victims are children.

Landmine Survivors Network



A landmine costs just $3 to manufacture and nearly $1,000 to remove.

Landmine Survivors Network



It is estimated that it will take 450 years to clear the world of undetected landmines.

BusinessWeek Online



Landmines kill two people every hour of every day.

United Nations



Antitank landmines were developed in World War I to combat the newly invented tank. By World War II, antipersonnel mines were developed to protect fields of antitank mines, which were easy and safe for enemy soldiers to remove.




In addition to killing and maiming civilians, landmines render agricultural land unusable, restrict access to potable water, and prevent the construction and maintenance of schools, roads, and community infrastructure.
