A Gift Card

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Give a Gift that Matters

More and more people are delighting friends and loved ones with the most meaningful presents: charitable contributions given in their name. A beautiful personalized greeting card makes it truly memorable.


Request Meaningful Gifts

Let friends and loved ones know that you would welcome a donation in your name to make a difference, instead of yet more "stuff." It just takes a minute to create a Wish List or Registry.




Monitoring species

Wildlife Trust Inc

Regular price $100.00

This gift will provide funds to help our team of scientists working to monitor, protect and identify manatees.

Map Migrations

One GPS unit

The School for Field Studies

Regular price $400.00

With your gift, The School for Field Studies will be able to purchase a GPS unit that will provide our research teams with the tools they need to conduct relevant field research. GPS will help students and faculty at the Center for Wildlife Management Studies keep track of data such as the permanent structures in a group ranch in Kenya to monitor wildlife migration routes...

Monitor Beaches

Pollution alerts

Natural Resources Defense Council

Regular price $20.00

Your gift will help NRDC alert U.S. residents to pollution levels at area beaches, so that beachgoers can make safe choices about where to swim.

Monitor Coral Reefs

One research dive

The School for Field Studies

Regular price $25.00

Students and faculty at The School for Field Studies Center for Marine Resource Management in the Turks and Caicos Islands help monitor the condition of the spectacular coral reefs, both inside and outside the MPAs, using scientifically rigorous monitoring techniques. Based on their field observations, students assess the validity of indicator species for reef health, the effects of diver tourism, marine species interactions, the impact...

Paint a Playground

10 gallons of paint

New York Cares Inc

Regular price $250.00

Includes ten gallons of paint and painting supplies to transform an empty playground into a vibrant place for children to play.

Park Ranger Uniform

1 high-quality uniform

Amazon Conservation Association

Regular price $150.00

In 2000, ACA and its local partner ACCA established the world's first private conservation concession in the Los Amigos River watershed. The Los Amigos Conservation Concession covers 360,000 acres of old growth Amazonian forest at the base of the Andes in southeastern Peru. This watershed forms a lowland forest corridor that protects the eastern access of Manu National Park and connects it to the Tambopata...

Regular price $100.00

As part of this landmark conservation initiative, we’re working to restore Brazil’s Atlantic Forest – one of the world’s biggest and most endangered tropical forests – by planting 1 billion native trees over the next seven years. When you plant a tree for your friends and family they will feel good knowing we can all breathe a little easier.

Plant a Memory Tree

In-memory tree planted

NOLA Tree Project

Regular price $25.00

This gift will help restore the over 70% of the tree canopy that was destroyed due to Hurricane Katrina. It will help provide hope to the residents of New Orleans because planting trees gives body and life to ones dreams of a better future. You can honor someone important by having a tree planted in New Orleans in their memory.

Regular price $1.00

Tropical forests are the lungs of the Earth, storing enormous amounts of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in a never-ending cycle of life. The Atlantic Forest -- one of the biggest tropical forests in the world -- helps regulate the atmosphere and stabilize global climate. Plant a tree in this critical landscape for only one dollar.

Plant Delphinium

1 delphinium plant

New York Cares Inc

Regular price $5.00

Delphinium provides vibrant color in parks and gardens, attracting bumblebees and butterflies, which pollinate other plants.

Promote Clean Air

One anti-idling sign

Clean Air Cool Planet

Regular price $40.00

Fund an 18 x 24 permanent metal, reflective sign to help a community with its campaign to remind people to shut off their engines while they are waiting at the curb. Public education can help preserve public health, air and water quality while reducing the threat of global warming. Research has shown that even in low temperatures, idling a vehicle is an unnecessary waste of...

Promote Science

One book or journal

The School for Field Studies

Regular price $35.00

Your gift will fund the purchase of one book or one issue of a scientific journal for a library. This might be a field guide to Australian birds or African mammals, or an issue of a journal like Conservation Biology. SFS student and faculty researchers will use these library resources on a daily basis as they work to help local communities solve some of their...

Protect a Tree

Mulch for one tree

New York Cares Inc

Regular price $150.00

Trees need mulch to get nutrients and retain moisture. Volunteers will spread mulch so trees can grow to clean the air and provide shade. This kit includes mulch for one tree, a wheelbarrow, a pitchfork, and a shovel.

Protect Cheetahs

Cheetah Conservation

San Diego Zoo

Regular price $25.00

Your gift will support our efforts to research, analyze, and combat this deadly virus and promote cheetah conservation overall.

Protect Coasts

One water test

Surfrider Foundation

Regular price $5.00

Our trained volunteers conduct water testings throughout all coastal states of the US. The materials to conduct these tests cost $5. Within their local Surfrider Foundation chapters they can use the knowledge and fight the sources of pollution, to benefit the health of our oceans, waves and beaches!

Protect Land

Permanent protection

Natural Resources Defense Council

Regular price $40.00

Your donation will assist NRDC in securing permanent protection for millions of acres of parks and wildlands from pollution, oil drilling and mining and other development.

Protect Wildlife

15 acres of land

National Wildlife Federation

Regular price $30.00

How you can help: Right now we have a special opportunity to purchase grazing privileges on four different allotments next to Yellowstone. It is vital that we are fully prepared to act with the proper funds on hand, the moment an agreement is reached. The great news…it only costs $2 to adopt one wildlife acre. So for $30 you can protect wildlife on 15 full...

Provide habitat

Help purchase land

Rocky Mountain Wildlife Conservation Center

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will enable the Sanctuary to continue building large acreage habitats for rescued animals to live in. Animals that once lived in tiny cages, horse trailers, garages or concrete pits will finally be free - as they should be - and also be able to enjoy the companionship of others of their own kind. Your gift will make all the difference, as we believe:...

Recruit A Leader

One climate champion

Clean Air Cool Planet

Regular price $30.00

Your gift will fund Clean Air-Cool Planet's ongoing efforts to provide environmental intelligence, expertise and networking to businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service sectors - helping them provide leadership in solving global by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. CA-CP partners with small and medium-sized businesses in order to implement solutions to climate change and build constituencies for effective climate policies and actions. You can...

Remove 1 ton of CO2

Remove 2205 lbs of CO2

Carbonfund. org Foundation

Regular price $10.00

This gift will neutralize 1 ton or 2,205lbs of CO2 from the atmosphere. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions equal to your annual emissions...