Sophie Wilson's Wishlist for a Better World

Charitable wish lists and registries show what we are passionate about.
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I've realised that I don't need any more stuff, so buying me pointless gifts is really a waste of money. It would be far better to give that money to an organisation that will make good use of it. At the same time, I do want to receive something, which is why this site is so great. A few friends have had Changing the Present gift cards and they look beautiful, so they feel like a real gift! I already feel good knowing that these great causes will benefit because of me, so I can't wait to actually get the cards!

I'd love to be able to give you this positive feeling too, so why not create your own wish-list? That way when it comes round to your next special occasion, I can support the causes that really matter to you!

Favorite gifts:


We must have everyone’s support to stop Congress from handing the home of polar bears and other wildlife over to Big Oil, which will only result in a savings of a penny at the gas pump…and that’s in 20 years! Your gift to Adopt A Polar Bear will help Defenders save polar bears and other imperiled Arctic wildlife.

Treat and Prevent - Lung cancer research

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center


Your gift will support current research into new agents to treat lung cancer and prevent its recurrence. Memorial Sloan-Kettering researchers are evaluating new drugs for lung cancer, including getifinib (Iressa). First tested at MSKCC, getitinib is one of a new class of drugs known as signal transduction inhibitors, which work by blocking the signal that make cancer cells grow and spread.

Science Equipment for your Favorite School -

School and Teacher Resources

Any Amount

Who is going to find the cures for cancer and other diseases? Who will invent the next miracle materials? It may be one of our students but only if they have the science equipment they need to learn. Help ensure that our country and students have a bright future by donating toward school science equipment.

Backyard Adventure - Youth education

Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust Inc


Your gift will provide one afternoon of Backyard Adventures! programming for up to 12 youth at a local school in Lowell, MA. Backyard Adventures provides experiential learning opportunities for disadvantaged youth in Lowell to help them gain self-esteem, leadership skills, and exposure to environmental career opportunities. Backyard Adventures provides ‘hands-on’ lessons in the out-of-doors to learn about the natural environment by exploring local habitats, conducting valuable field work, and giving youth a ‘voice’ in sharing their knowledge with others in the community. Each youth will develop a stronger connection to their community and the land, further enhance their sense of responsibility for the environment, and encourage participation in local action/stewardship opportunities (most often developed by the students themselves). This multi-disciplinary program follows the Massachusetts curriculum frameworks.


Oportunidad Microfinanzas, an Opportunity microfinance bank, provides small working capital loans for people in chronic poverty. Loans range from $100 to $500, about what our target clients are borrowing from moneylenders. Spared high interest rates, our clients earn more to invest in the business. Their increased income helps them meet basic family needs. Children are going to school, not work. Group lending through Trust Banks gives hardworking people who have little opportunity to earn an adequate income the chance to become self-sufficient. By providing a loan, the group says to the borrowers, “We believe in you." Their sense of self-worth is strengthened, because money is given as loans and not handouts. With each loan they receive and repay, Trust Bank members become increasingly stable financially, more respected by their families, and better equipped to run their households and influence their community.

Save a chimpanzee - Two days of food

In Defense Of Animals-Africa/Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center


This gift will provide two days of fruit and formula for a baby orphaned chimpanzee.


Your gift of a water tap stand will provide safe water to a family close to home and give a woman the freedom to pursue other, more productive activities. Instead of hauling water, she can care for her family and perhaps contribute to her family's income. Her children won't be as sick and she can spend her limited income on food, education for her children and other necessities instead of medicine. Water can be a catalyst for change and help people break the cycle of poverty.

Show what you care about and generate funds for your favorite nonprofits. Create a charitable wish list or registry now!