Marine Environment
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Countries and Regions
It is time for us to protect sea turtles and rebuild their populations to healthy levels as a vital step in ensuring healthy and resilient oceans for the future. Your contribution will support the turtle conservation and hatching sanctuary programs of Cirenas, which exists to create transformative connections between people and the environment through education, research, integration, and innovation. Cirenas occupies 4,700 acres on the Pacific...
Your donation will help support our important work. CORAL is launching a new era of reef conservation that facilitates coral adaptation to a changing climate. Our innovative conservation blueprint promotes coral adaptation within DIVERSE, CONNECTED, and LARGE networks of healthy reefs called Adaptive Reefscapes. The science tells us that when we conserve a diverse portfolio of coral reefs with differing species, variable environmental conditions, and...
Your donation will help support our various programs to protect the whales, such as: SnotBot® is a modified consumer drone, which flies through the blow of a whale and collects exhaled “snot” on petri dishes. This blow contains a treasure trove of valuable biological information: DNA, stress and pregnancy hormones, microbiomes, and potentially many other biological compounds/indicators of the animal’s health and ecology. Best of...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your loved one will be proud to know that their gift is ensuring some of the most extraordinarily diverse, yet highly threatened places, will be protected for years and years to come.
Confronting the issue through shark and ray conservation is a catalytic solution to this global problem. Sharks and rays are keystone species that play an essential role in our oceans and coastal communities. As apex predators, sharks and rays stabilize food webs and act as a barometer for ocean health. Fostering healthy shark and ray populations is essential to the creation of healthier ecosystems, which,...
Your gift of a whale adoption will enable Ocean Alliance to continue its important work protecting whales and their environment. At a time when the ocean is changing so rapidly, whales and the animals in them need more help than ever.
Regular price $3500 $35.00
Your donation will help us work with our conservation partners to protect coastal beaches used by sea turtles as nesting sanctuaries, educate coastal home and hotel owners on how bright lights interrupt turtle nesting, as well as work to prevent international fishing conglomerates from dismantling laws that protect sea turtles from harmful fishing practices. Your gift will help Defenders save sea turtles and other imperiled...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift pays for the installation and maintenance of one mooring buoy for 5 years. Mooring buoys provide an alternative way to moor a boat over a coral reef without causing damage to corals by dropping anchor.
Help Salmon Thrive!
Ocean Blue Project
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your contribution will help communities achieve clean streams and bring us one step closer to planting 1 million native trees for streams by 2025. Enhancing urban streams filter water if an abundance of flora and fauna is thriving. Native plants and trees not only filter, but provide stream canopy that allows for a consistent water temperature where threatened and endangered native salmon can better survive....
Monitor coastal pollution
Coral Reef Alliance
Regular price $000 $0.00
Understanding the water quality enables us to better address the source of water pollution and implement appropriate solutions to help corals thrive. This gift will provide funds for one month of water quality monitoring in sensitive marine areas.
Patrolling Marine Protected Areas
Coral Reef Alliance
Regular price $000 $0.00
This gift covers one day of fuel for a patrol boat for Roatan Marine Park in Honduras. Patrol boats are operated in partnership with the Honduran Navy and used to monitor protected areas. They confiscate illegal gear such as nets or spears used to catch turtles and arrest people who are involved with illegal development like mangrove cutting.
Regular price $2800 $28.00
Determine the source of polluted water! Typically, a storm drain carries polluted street run-off from multiple sources. Occasionally though, it may be connected to a toilet or septic tank from a beach house,or perhaps an industrial waste discharge outfall. It is critical to determine the upstream source of any pipe that empties at your beach. This will help you figure out how to reduce or...
Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Marine Environment Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.
Regular price $500 $5.00
Our trained volunteers conduct water testings throughout all coastal states of the US. The materials to conduct these tests cost $5. Within their local Surfrider Foundation chapters they can use the knowledge and fight the sources of pollution, to benefit the health of our oceans, waves and beaches!
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Make an important contribution and a special connection with the animals at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium by joining the Aquadoption program. Your Aquadoption will help pay for the feeding and care of an animal on exhibit at the Aquarium, as well as make a statement of commitment to keeping the Santa Monica Bay and its animals healthy and safe.