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Arts and Culture
Basic Needs
Regular price $2500 $25.00
$25 makes it possible for Boundless Playgrounds to provide an informational package to a parent or concerned community member who wants to bring a Boundless™ playground to their community. Boundless™ playgrounds are tailor-made for the way children are naturally drawn to play, plus they are universally accessible so everyone can play side by side at his or her own highest level of ability. No one...
Support the Magic of Health
American Friends Of Jordan River Village
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your donation will enable the Village to stock all needed medication & equipment at 1 session of sick campers at the Village.
Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Disabilities Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will assist with language translation for MIUSA's Women's Institute on Leadership and Disability (WILD). The WILD program brings together disabled women leaders from around the world to build skills and exchange strategies to improve the lives of women and girls with disabilities. Support for language interpretation gives women with less formal education the opportunity to participate in this life-changing program. WILD workshops are...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
We reach out to Latinos with disabilities and connect them with services that can help them find support and employment. Our fully bilingual program partners with agencies across the country to provide culturally accessible information and direct services to disabled Latinos and their families. But, no one can take advantage of a program if they don’t know that it exists. Your gift of just $10...
Regular price $4000 $40.00
Your donation will help us work with composers, choreographers and dancers to create an original piece just for a child. This gift will be performed in-person for maximum impact. The reflections of a child, finding herself, her voice through music and dance is something we will do again, with your support.
Support the Magic of Creativity
American Friends Of Jordan River Village
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your gift supports 1 arts & crafts workshop at a camp session at Jordan River Village
Support the Magic of Adventure
American Friends Of Jordan River Village
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your donation will enable 1 child living with serious illnesses to have a magical experience at our Adventure Tower. All these experiences at the Village help camper in the long-term have improved confidence, higher self-esteem, lower illness-related stress, a greater sense of independence, and increased interest in social activities.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
This gift will provide casts for 5 children born with clubfoot. For these children, casts mean a cure. Their clubfoot will be treated early enough that they will never have to grow up with the stigma of being disabled.
Regular price $3500 $35.00
Your gift will help us grant vital funds to groups like the Nepal Disabled and Neglected Women Society that educates and trains women with disabilities. And supports their search for job placements and their will to live independently and contribute to their communities.
Regular price $7500 $75.00
$75 will pay for the time it takes for an Information & Referral Specialist to assist 15 people with disabilities and their families. That means for every five dollars, a family indentifies a therapy program for their child, a father finds funding to buy an accessible van, or a woman is given employment resources.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
By donating $50, you allow us to purchase a set of basketballs for our Wheelchair Basketball Clinic held multiple times throughout the year. This ensures that everyone who comes out will have the chance to participate and develop their athletic abilities.
Regular price $7500 $75.00
This gift provides the metal plate used to correct the bowed or crooked leg of a disabled child in the developing world. This gift can free a child from the stigma, ridicule and pain of their condition.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will make a new popular literature book available to thousands of people who would otherwise be without access. Your book will be added to Bookshare.org, an online digital library of over 29,000 books and newspapers for the print disabled. Thousands of Bookshare.org members will be able to download your book to read it as Braille, in large print or as synthesized speech. Bookshare.org...
Regular price $15000 $150.00
Providing a physically impaired woman, man or child with the ability to regain movement is a gift with benefits beyond words. There is no cap on human potential and the gift of a prosthetic limb offers people the ability to lead an improved life. With their new limbs, people are able to undertake daily chores that they would otherwise be unable to perform. They can...
Regular price $12500 $125.00
This gift will provide one child's entry fee to attend ACHIEVE's Children's Summer Program. The program is a four-day, six week program. Activities of the program focus on improving gross and fine motor coordination, promoting positive social behavior, and environmental awareness. In addition to these activities, remedial instruction in reading, math, and speech is also provided. ACHIEVE’s Summer Program provides leadership and an opportunity for...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
Your gift of $20 will provide one safety helmet for a child, ensuring that every child athlete that wishes to participate in adaptive sports has the opportunity to do, and with all the necessary safety precautions in place
Regular price $7500 $75.00
With all the other costly items children with disabilities need, it's hard to for their families to afford this equipment. For a gift of $75, you can give a child the opportunity to participate in an exciting season of Sled Hockey, while ensuring that their safety always takes precedent.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Recently, individuals with disabilities, parents, family members and direct support professionals met with State Legislators to educate, inform and advocate, as part of a statewide initiative. ACHIEVE participated by sending representatives to meet with our local legislators. We wanted to stress to our legislators that the services we provide are not optional, they are essential. To point out that recent cuts to our system have...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
This CD presents a short program on abuse awareness and prevention strategies for people with disabilities, their family members and service providers. The program, which focuses on the need to recognize and talk about the incidence of abuse, can be shown in educational settings, by domestic violence services, by social service providers, or in any number of other contexts. Your gift of $20 will underwrite...