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Countries and Regions
Regular price $3000 $30.00
Your gift will provide one backpack of school supplies to a child, including one ruler, two notebooks, two pencils, two pens, and one backpack.
Regular price $4500 $45.00
Your gift will place 15 brand new volumes into the hands of children who need them most.
Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Education Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
$100 will cover an individual youth's stipend for one week. Youth will develop their typing skills. They will learn the whole production process for The Beat Within weekly magazine. Youth will also work in an environment with a diverse group of adult and youth staff all working to better the community. Most internships last 12-20 weeks.
Regular price $6000 $60.00
For $60, enable Teach For America corps members to reach an additional public school student.
Regular price $9700 $97.00
A donation of $97 will fund an entire year of school for a Ugandan child in an IDP camp. Education has a positive impact on not only the future earning potential of a child but also helps reduce vulnerability to health problems such as HIV/AIDS, increases awareness of human rights and issues such as family planning and improves confidence and overall well being. BRAC is...
Gift a Robotics Kit to a Student
Revolution Robotics Foundation
Regular price $000 $0.00
We envision creating a world where more kids participate in robotics, and making STEM education accessible for all. Most STEM resources for kids are put forth by for-profit companies at a high price, allowing an unfair advantage over less affluent students. Unless there's a new and better way to engage young people, particularly girls and minorities, there will be a growing gap between supply and...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift of $100 helps provide training materials for four Teach For America corps members.
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
Your gift of $1,000 helps a Teach For America corps member to attend the summer training institute.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will help provide older adults with opportunities to learn and lead in their communities through OASIS by taking part in challenging arts, health, technology classes and volunteer service programs. By participating in OASIS lifelong learning and service opportunities, older adults can increase their intellectual stimulation, improve their overall health, increase their level of social engagement, and build their skills in a variety of...
Regular price $5,00000 $5,000.00
Your gift of $5,000 sponsors a teacher and helps Teach For America to recruit, select, train, and support an additional corps member.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
A donation of $100 towards travel stipends will greatly assist the Roosevelt Institution and our student presenters in being able to present their policy proposals to the leading policy-makers.
Regular price $72000 $720.00
Your gift will directly stock the homes of an entire classroom of children in need with libraries of their very own brand new books.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
Your support of experiential learning provides our students with opportunities to expand their understanding of classroom lessons and to be exposed to facets of life beyond their neighborhood. Your gift makes it possible for KIPP students to visit museums, see a play, visit another part of their city or state, learn about jobs and the education necessary to perform them, explore colleges and universities and...
Regular price $9000 $90.00
Your gift will allow a classroom of children to learn from brand new books.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
We like to bring books to our workshops as a reward to youth who show interest in writing or are scared to write because their literacy levels are low. Your gift will help The Beat Within distribute books on topics appropriate for young adults.