See our GiftsRegular price $10000 $100.00
Your donation will help put us one step closer to finding a cure for hydrocephalus. Since the government gives almost no funding toward meaningful Hydrocephalus research, hope for a cure has been hard to come by. Most research being done is focused on creating a new type of shunt; since treating a condition is much more profitable than curing one. In the entire United States,...
Regular price $1800 $18.00
Your gift will provide much needed hope to patients with brain cancer. You will move this underserved field forward to make a difference by bringing an innovative approach to finding therapies for this devastating disease.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
In an effort to quicken the evaluation of therapeutic candidates for possible advancement to the clinic for brain cancer patients, ABC2 partnered with the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Center at Duke University to form the Preclinical Screening Program. Your gift will support a critical link with the biopharmaceutical industry and academia and help fill a void in the drug development arena by providing a venue...
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your investment will help attract the best and brightest researchers to the field of brain cancer. Young Investigator Awards encourage and invest in physician-scientists who are building their careers in translational medicine. The awards provide support for a three-year period in neuro-oncology and address key scientific and medical challenges in the development of effective brain cancer therapies.
Help expand exercise resources
Brian Grant Foundation
Regular price $000 $0.00
Exercise is as essential as medication for people with Parkinson's. To date, exercise is the only therapy that has been shown to delay the mobility problems associated with Parkinson's. Your support can help us train anyone who works in the exercise field on how to safely and effectively work with people with Parkinson's.
Sponsor a cooking class
Brian Grant Foundation
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your support will help people with Parkinson's eat a healthy, Parkinson's-specific diet to help manage their symptoms. Our cooking classes provide a hands-on opportunity for people with Parkinson's and their care partners to learn about our nutritional guidelines while interacting with other people that are living with the disease. At the end of the class, we enjoy a healthy dinner together!
Day of wellness
Brian Grant Foundation
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your support can help provide a day of wellness to a person living with a serious, debilitating and often socially isolating disease. In addition to the exercise, nutrition and mindfulness sessions provided at the retreat, participants will also get a chance to meet others that are living with Parkinson's and understand what they're going through. Together we can improve the quality of life with people...
Patient & Care Partner Wellness
Brian Grant Foundation
Regular price $000 $0.00
With your support, we can provide a day of wellness to both a person with Parkinson's and their care partner. Together they will learn about the benefits of self care, including stress reductions techniques, exercises that can be done at home to manage symptoms and nutritional recommendations for Parkinson's. They will also have an opportunity to meet people who understand what they're going through.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Supported employment is a way to move people from dependence on a service delivery system to independence via competitive employment. Recent studies indicate that the provision of on-going support services for people with severe disabilities significantly increases their rates for employment retention. Supported employment encourages people to work within their communities and encourages work, social interaction, and integration. Supported employment services should achieve the following...
Regular price $7500 $75.00
There are new technologies through which we are developing an understanding of genes proteins and networks – offering the possibility to shift from a one-size fits all model. Your gift will help accelerate a cure for brain cancer through supporting pioneering innovation and technology to find the right therapy for the right patient at the right time. This approach will redefine the nature of the...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
The Independent Living Skills group and the Adult Day Program each cook lunch for themselves once a week. They actually create a menu, go to the grocery store (or go on-line) and purchase their groceries. The next day they prepare a meal that they share.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
This gift will provide art supplies for the clients of Services for Brain Injury. Art is one tool that the program instructors and art therapists use to help those with brain injuries express themselves.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure brings together researchers, clinicians, the biotech and pharmaceutical industry and government to fund research that translates promising laboratory successes into clinically meaningful improvements for patients. This approach is designed to provide innovative researchers with the support required to make critical translational breakthroughs. Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure fund proposals that will have an immediate impact, and we work actively and partner with...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
When you purchase lab supplies, you are providing researchers the support and supplies they need to make groundbreaking translational research advancements. Your gift will help facilitate the efforts of hard-working and dedicated researchers.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will help pay the way for one researcher to attend the ABC2 Annual Scientific Meeting. Over the years, we have found this annual scientific meeting to be the most effective means by which to draw the field closer together and foster collaboration across institutional lines. The annual meeting emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive climate for scientific and medical research with a...
Regular price $3500 $35.00
You gift will help foster collaboration across institutional lines and hasten a cure for brain cancer. To accelerate the transition of therapies into clinical studies for patients, ABC² has initiated a strategic collaboration, the ABC² Clinical Network. It is composed of four leading neuro-oncology centers and clinical investigators who work together to: provide guidance and counsel to the sponsors of drug therapies (particularly in the...
Regular price $25000 $250.00
Your generous gift will buy one share of the ABC² Angel Investor Fund* (multiple shares are available) to fast-track cutting edge brain cancer research advancements. Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure was formed with the belief that the entrepreneurial model that has enabled so many technological innovations offers the best hope to fill the gap in funding. In the business world venture capitalists, sometimes called "angel investors,"...