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Finally, you can make a difference every time you share this site with friends who care about Alzheimers or any cause.
Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Alzheimer's Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.
Regular price $1500 $15.00
People living with Alzheimer’s and caregivers often face an overwhelming number of issues associated with the disease. These may include handling dementia-related behaviors, how to better communicate with the person with Alzheimer’s, assisting with daily needs, safety issues, and where to get local support and resources. The counselor may refer them to a local Alzheimer’s Association chapter or other community resources. A typical situation for...
Regular price $4000 $40.00
Some families are so drained financially from the tremendous costs of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s that they cannot afford the $40 enrollment fee. Your scholarship enrollment gift will give the family peace of mind knowing that their loved one has identification and is registered with this national program. A typical response from a family member: “I didn’t even know my dad was...