Early Childhood Edu
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Countries and Regions
Religious Charities
Regular price $2500 $25.00
Your donation will help support Takalani Sesame, the South African version of Sesame Street Takalanai Sesame uses television, radio and community outreach to respond to the HIV/AIDS crisis in South Africa as well as prepare children for school. Sesame Workshop, the organization behind Sesame Street, collaborates with local producers, child development experts, educators, and child psychologists to develop the educational curriculum in response to local...
Classroom Supplies
Tuesday's Child
Regular price $000 $0.00
This will help our children be successful not only in our classroom but in the child's home school.
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your donation will help support Sisimpur the Bengali version of Sesame Street. With a curriculum defined by Bangladeshi educators, the series emphasizes not only literacy, math and science, but also helps foster values such as self-respect, empathy and cooperation. Other key objectives include improving educational opportunities for young girls; promoting good nutrition, hygiene and safety; and encouraging appreciation of the shared cultural heritage of diverse...
Sponsor a Child
Dalit Solidarity
Regular price $36000 $360.00
By sponsoring a Dalit child, you are effectively giving him or her a life-changing opportunity – a future with real prospects away from poverty and oppression. Sponsoring a child is just the beginning of an amazing adventure. You can offer a wonderful childhood and change that’s child’s life forever.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
this gift will provide developmental toys that build strong motor skills and cognitive abilities in young children.