See our GiftsBrowse the charitable gifts below, use the search box above, or support any favorite Latino nonprofit in the country. Give it in a friends name,and send a personalized greeting card to make it a memorable gift.
Also, be sure to create a Wish List and let your friends know you would welcome a donation in your name, in lieu of yet another present.
Finally, you can make a difference every time you share this site with friends who care about Latino or any cause.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
We reach out to Latinos with disabilities and connect them with services that can help them find support and employment. Our fully bilingual program partners with agencies across the country to provide culturally accessible information and direct services to disabled Latinos and their families. But, no one can take advantage of a program if they don’t know that it exists. Your gift of just $10...
Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Latino Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.
Regular price $3000 $30.00
Each 400-page manual in computer technology helps Hispanic parents learn Windows, Internet Explorer, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to advance socially and economically in society.
Regular price $9900 $99.00
Each refurbished computer allows one Hispanic family to access information and educational opportunities at home. Our computers include new mouse, keyboard and speakers and are supplied with OpenOffice, Windows(R)XP Home operating system, hard drive, monitor, and modem.