See our GiftsRegular price $200 $2.00
Your gift will provide learning materials for one student. More than 90% of SEWA’s members are illiterate. Through SEWA, they receive training and learn how to use their skills to gain an income and organize for change in their communities. Your gift will promote life education for members of SEWA and their families. Puriben Aahir is a skilled artisan, but had never used her embroidery...
Regular price $1200 $12.00
Your gift will provide material and teachers tools for a class. More than 90% of SEWA’s members are illiterate. Through SEWA, they receive training and learn how to use their skills to gain an income and organize for change in their communities. Your gift will promote life education for members of SEWA and their families. Puriben Aahir is a skilled artisan, but had never used...
Regular price $30000 $300.00
Your donation buys a quality rug loom for a weaver whose earnings are the sole source of income for her family. By providing a loom for a weaver, you support sustainable income for women in Afghanistan - many of whom have become widows during the war and are responsible for single-handedly supporting the entire family.
Regular price $7500 $75.00
TechnoServe is implementing a youth entreprenuership program aimed at developing young people’s business skills. Currently we are piloting the program in secondary schools, and will eventually roll out the program to nearly 7500 students. TechnoServe’s youth entrepreneurship program will create an entrepreneurial culture among Swazi youth and will push students to seek further education and/or start a business. For $75 you can pay the entrepreneurship...
Regular price $25000 $250.00
Your donation changes everything for a woman and her family. Small business and skills training, coupled with a small loan or grant, makes an immeasurable impact. A mother can start a small business that feeds her family and clothes her kids. She can send them to school and give them the chance for a better future. Where else can you get a gift that changes...
Regular price $1500 $15.00
The gift will provide one new American with one Business Planning class. AnewAmerica offers entrepreneurs a holistic 25 week college certificate program in Business Planning. Classes are offered in Spanish, English, and Vietnamese, through partnerships with local Bay Area universities. Entrepreneurs develop a sense of empowerment in a classroom full of fellow immigrant entrepreneurs. Each entrepreneur learns the skills they need to launch a business,...
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
AnewAmerica helps its entrepreneurs secure the credit they need to launch their businesses. Clients receive asset-building services through Savings Clubs-individual development accounts (IDAs), financial literacy, home ownership education and credit access. This program component seeks to strengthen the long-term financial sustainability of working families that face special barriers because of their educational, linguistic, cultural and ethnic differences that hinder their capacity to access financial resources...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will provide an Afghan widow with all the tools she will need to manufacture soccer balls from her home. Ball manufacturing can truly improve the quality of an Afghan widow's life: * Many widows are not allowed to leave home; balls can be sewn at home. * The skills required for making balls are primarily sewing, building on traditional skills previously learned in...
Regular price $4200 $42.00
This gift will provide the resources to build a clay oven that will be the means for one individual to operate a bread baking business.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
AnewAmerica is providing green business support through implementing green curriculum in our Virtual Business Incubator classes and hosting green business experts as guest speakers. Our clients are learning about the importance of creating a green business from the beginning phase of the business planning program. Through the business development and growth phase of our program, AnewAmerica’s entrepreneurs have the opportunity to receive green business coaching...
Regular price $500 $5.00
Your donation will fund 10 pounds of clay – much needed raw material for artisans in developing countries to pursue their craft and build their business.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your donation will fund 200 pounds of clay - much needed raw material for artisans in developing countries. 200 pounds of clay can be purchased for $100 and used to create several hundred dollars of income for a potter and their family.
Regular price $50000 $500.00
Your donation provides one new America entrepreneur with a twenty-five week college certificate in Business Planning. AnewAmerica has partnerships with Holy Names University in Oakland, California, and National Hispanic University in San Jose, California, which gives our entrepreneurs a meaningful and respected certificate for their efforts. During the 25-week sessions, entrepreneurs learn how to define their business goals, write business plans, gain proficiency with technological...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift provides a new American entrepreneur with one-on-one technical assistance with an industry professional. This session is designed to help them boost their business, activate their marketing plans, access markets, and propel their businesses into the next level. Through our Access to Markets program, AnewAmerica offers its entrepreneurs a variety of services to help them expand and establish the business plans they developed during...