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Arts and Culture
Regular price $5000 $50.00
This gift will provide the materials such as books, articles and training sessions with shelter specialists that are necessary for a dancer to become educated about how to deal with domestic violence survivors. If trained and sensitized to the issue of domestic violence, professional dancers can bring movement, creativity and self-care to survivors as part of their journey to more healthy futures.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift will subsidize the cost for five students to attend a performance at Baryshnikov Arts Center. Public performances at BAC feature world-class artists from a range of disciplines. Furthermore, the intimate BAC performance spaces give students a unique, up close experience of these extraordinary performers.
Regular price $4000 $40.00
Your donation will help us work with composers, choreographers and dancers to create an original piece just for a child. This gift will be performed in-person for maximum impact. The reflections of a child, finding herself, her voice through music and dance is something we will do again, with your support.
Regular price $15000 $150.00
This gift will allow a dancer to teach one workshop session to survivors at a domestic violence shelter. Ironically, in most domestic violence shelters, little or no attention is paid to the body. The Domestic Violence Project fills this crucial gap by using movement and creativity to help survivors of violence develop self-awareness, regain a more positive self-image and take steps to reclaim their lives....
Regular price $400 $4.00
This gift will provide round-trip subway fare to a shelter so that we can introduce women to our program. This year alone, through our current partnerships, we have been able to enter twenty shelters throughout the five boroughs of New York City and provide 250 workshops for women, reaching 12-15 women participants per workshop. Transportation to and from the shelter is a crucial starting point....
Regular price $25000 $250.00
This gift provides training sessions for dancers to learn to work effectively in the domestic violence community. Our workshops encourage the women to reflect upon their own personal qualities, experiences and aspirations. They are given the opportunity to examine how they are unique, and are encouraged to understand, accept and celebrate their uniqueness. The women are encouraged to begin to “make peace with their bodies.”...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
This gift will cover the cost for one artist to attend an educational activity at the Baryshnikov Arts Center. To date, BAC's educational programming has included workshops and lectures with choreographers Steve Paxton, Boris Charmatz and William Forsythe, author Toni Morrison, theater directors Lev Dodin and Mario Biagini, and ballet master Azari Plisetsky. These activities give artists exclusive opportunities to learn from the leaders in...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
This gift would give 10 students the opportunity to attend a performance that they would otherwise not have the the ability to experience.
Regular price $50000 $500.00
This gift will subsidize the rental fee for use of a Baryshnikov Arts Center studio for one week. An artist or artist group will be given scheduled time in one of the state-of-the-art rehearsal studios, and will be free to pursue their creative agenda in BAC's supportive and stimulating environment.
Regular price $6000 $60.00
This gift will provide the funds to print an entire set of TakeCare cards for the participants of a Domestic Violence workshop. Each TakeCare Card is personally designed and developed by a member of GGD. It offers words of relaxation and a description of an exercise from the workshop or similar to ideas and exercises presented in the workshop that will calm down the body...
Regular price $2500 $25.00
This gift provides refreshments for recharge+reconnect - a free open movement class combining yoga, movement and breathing exercises for individuals living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. Classes including recharge+reconnect are part of the large project, Moving the Community which underscores Gina Gibney Dance’s mission of using the power of movement and creativity to enrich and reshape lives. Extending the work we have done in six...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
This gift will provide one hour of studio rental space for rehearsal or program planning. In order to have a program that can really help survivors, time and space are needed to create it. Whether the studio space is used to generate movement material for performance or to create new exercises for the workshops, time in the studio is crucial.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift will provide Collage Dance Theatre with a fund towards covering all costs of operating and presenting new works. One of our most important goals this coming year is to continue our ambitious performance schedule as well as grow the organization. We would like to continue developing our presence on a national level and also strengthen our outreach efforts such as exploring educational opportunities...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift will allow a dancer to teach one children's workshop in a domestic violence shelter. Through consistent and concentrated yearlong programming in these shelters, with 6-10 children in each workshop, we will reach over 2,000 children. MyMoves! offers a high-quality program of workshops to help children develop self-confidence and life skills such as creative problem solving, concentration, collaboration and communication. We have learned through...