See our GiftsBrowse the charitable gifts below, use the search box above, or support any favorite Landmines nonprofit in the country. Give it in a friends name,and send a personalized greeting card to make it a memorable gift.
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Finally, you can make a difference every time you share this site with friends who care about Landmines or any cause.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Your $10 contribution to HALO will be used to support locally recruited deminers in Afghanistan.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Your $10 contribution to HALO will be used to support locally recruited deminers in Kosovo.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Your donation will restore hope to farmers living in a post-conflict war zone. By clearing the enough land of landmines and planting one grape vine, your gift will help restore the livelihood and the dignity of self-sufficiency to a farmer. Your contribution will be part of Roots of Peace’s broader “mines to vines" program that helps thousands of rural farmers realize higher levels of income...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
A gift of $50 will sponsor a HALO demining section for one day. A section consists of approximately eight deminers. Using his or her metal detector, a typical HALO deminer will clear 250 square feet of hazardous ground per day. HALO currently fields nearly 8,000 mineclearance staff around the world. This work not only removes deadly landmines and items of unexploded ordnance from the ground...
Regular price $5500 $55.00
A landmine detection dog, paired with a dedicated handler, can greatly increase the speed and safety of efforts to find and remove landmines. A mine detection dog team can work ten times as fast as a person alone. To help countries recover from conflict, MLI provides fully trained mine detection dogs and training for local handlers as a permanent gift. Your gift will cover one...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Your $10 contribution to HALO will be used to support locally recruited deminers in Mozambique.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
A gift of $25 will sponsor a HALO deminer for one week. Using his or her metal detector, a typical deminer will clear 250 square feet of hazardous ground per day. HALO currently fields nearly 8,000 mine clearance staff around the world. This work not only removes deadly landmines and items of unexploded ordnance from the ground but also provides employment in war-ravaged communities.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Your $10 contribution to HALO will be used to support locally recruited deminers in Cambodia.
Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Landmines Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
The Children Against Mines Program (CHAMPS) is an educational and outreach program that presents students and local communities with the opportunity to learn how landmines affect people and animals in war-torn nations and take action. CHAMPS highlights the work of mine detection dogs and how human-dog teams work together to “sniff out" landmines and save lives. CHAMPS provides students with: (1) the experience of helping...
Regular price $1800 $18.00
Your gift will enable MAG teams to remove and safely destroy five weapons of war. By rendering these dangerous items useless and preventing them from circulating into the wrong hands, you will make a significant contribution to the safety and security of conflict-affected communities. At the small price of $18, you can help MAG to save lives and build futures for people who have already...
Regular price $15000 $150.00
Your donation will support one day of an all-female team's life-saving operations. Locating and removing landmines and unexploded ordnance is painstaking and hazardous work, but MAG’s brave and dedicated female teams are up to the challenge. They work hard every day to make their land safe and to free their country from the lethal legacy of conflict. Your support will empower these women to save...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will provide one day of life-saving information to a village at risk from the threat of landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO). MAG will teach a vulnerable community about the physical appearance of landmines and UXO and what realistic steps people can take to stay safe. For a small price, you will help change the high-risk behavior of affected men, women, and children, enabling...
Regular price $3000 $30.00
Your donation will make 10 square meters of land safe from the danger and devastation caused by landmines and unexploded ordnance. Locating and removing these items is painstaking and hazardous work, but it is an essential step in freeing a community from the poverty and suffering caused by conflict. This careful clearance will save innocent lives and limbs and return safe land to people who...
Regular price $8500 $85.00
Your gift will fund one day of a four-day mine action training for a Canadian Young Professional before deployment to an under-resourced campaign or mine action organization partner in a mine-affected country. Young Professionals will volunteer as interns with partners for 5-6 months as a means to help support local activities - whether its providing support to landmine survivors; providing mine risk education; documenting the...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
A field visit to a mine-affected area helps the Landmine Monitor continue to be the definitive source in verifying that stockpiled mines have been destroyed; confirming reports of new mine victims and the documentation of suspected mine-affected communities to accurately reflect the progress and problems of efforts to rid the world of landmines.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
This gift will help sponsor the costs of having an aspiring young social justice leader participate in an international youth capacity building symposium, a Youth Model Review Conference on the Mine Ban Treaty alongside the annual Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty in Amman, Jordan in November 2007. Youth delegates will get an opportunity to learn about and represent a State or international organization....
Regular price $3000 $30.00
Your gift funds an hour of an activist's time to lobby decision makers in Canada and around the world to have policies that are consistent with preventing the needless humanitarian suffering caused by victim-activated weapons.
Regular price $3000 $30.00
This gift will provide one hour of a researcher's time monitoring compliance with the Mine Ban Treaty. Information gathered will appear in the next issue of the Landmine Monitor Report. Our 71 humanitarian researchers are located in 62 countries around the world.
Regular price $1400 $14.00
Your gift will support the work of an LSN Field Worker for a day. All Field Workers are people with disabilities themselves, and provide other survivors with crucial mentoring services. As survivors helping survivors, they serve as role models – providing living proof that people with disabilities can thrive and achieve their dreams. Field Workers also link survivors to healthcare, rehabilitation, additional social support, education...