Women And Girls
See our GiftsBrowse the charitable gifts below, use the search box above, or support any favorite Women And Girls nonprofit in the country. Give it in a friends name,and send a personalized greeting card to make it a memorable gift.
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Arts and Culture
Regular price $6000 $60.00
Your gift will provide take-home food rations to girls in school for six months to help ease the economic burden on parents. This will help convince parents to keep their daughters in school and free them from their household chores. This gives girls, who otherwise may stay at home, the chance to learn. By promoting education for girls, the World Food Program (WFP) will improve...
Regular price $500 $5.00
A gift of $5 will allow a group like the Union for the Emancipation of Indigenous Women to provide school supplies and school fees for 10 indigenous girls, daughters of the displaced survivors of the Rwandan Genocide, in the South-Kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Your gift will help a woman acquire the skills she needs to develop her career. 5 sessions at a Dress for Success Career Center will provide a woman with career guidance, technology skills and support in her job search. In addition, your gift will provide her with resources that are vital to entering the workforce, such as an Internet-accessible computer lab with cutting-edge job placement...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your donation will educate one child for 1 year in night school. The Barefoot College began Night Schools for the children of the working poor in 1975 to provide an education that draws on the knowledge of the community. Literate young men and women in the community are selected and trained for 6 months to become Barefoot Teachers. By providing the learning environment of the...
Regular price $1700 $17.00
Your gift will focus on providing a clean and safe delivery for mother and child. A clean delivery kit, with sterile gloves, gauze, scissors and antibiotic ointment, will greatly reduce the chances of infection. And continuing care after delivery will ensure that mother and child stay healthy. The gift you give your loved one will stand out – a clean and safe delivery for a...
Regular price $6000 $60.00
We cannot allow the destruction of women and girls' education to continue, with education so crucial to long-term empowerment. The Feminist Majority Foundation is working to keep Afghan girls' schools open, as well as to reopen those schools that have been closed. We must do all we can to ensure that the rights of Afghan women and girls do not slip away again. Your donation...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
This gift will send an African girl with a high aptitude for science and math to an elite secondary school for a week. Your gift includes not only school fees, but also room, board, books and mentoring by some of Africa's leading women scientists.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
The Global Fund for Women is proud to support women's organizations in Afghanistan focused on the rights of women and girls. Groups like the Afghan Institute of Learning, the Afghan Women's Educational Centre, and the Health and Development Center for Afghan Women offers classes on literacy, health and human rights, and provide health education and medical services to those who otherwise would have no access...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
With a $100 loan, a Haitian woman can rent a market stall and increase her income two-fold. And you're providing a self-employment loan, not a gift. Your donation will build discipline, responsibility, and self-confidence as women create their own business. And as each loan is repaid, the borrower's line of credit increases by an amount equal to her accumulated savings.
Regular price $10500 $105.00
The Feminist Majority Foundation runs the only Mifepristone Compassionate Use Program in the country. Our program serves as the only hope for many critically ill patients, mostly women, who have exhausted all standard therapies, including chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Mifepristone is a life line for these women, and some men, some of whom have depended on this drug for over a decade. Since the program’s...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
A gift of $50 will allow a group like the Union for the Emancipation of Indigenous Women to provide school supplies and school fees for 100 indigenous girls, daughters of the displaced survivors of the Rwandan Genocide, in the South-Kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Regular price $4500 $45.00
A gift of $45 will teach a woman basic reading and numeracy skills and how to write her name during one year of bi-weekly literacy classes. In a country where only 50 percent of the women have even basic literacy, you will help a woman learn the skills she needs to survive after war and protect herself -- so she will not be cheated by...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Gift provides an alternative rite of passage for one Maasai girl who refuses to submit to FGM. $100 allows a girl to spend a month at V-Day Safe House for Girls in Narok, Kenya. In 2002, V-Day helped found Safe House to provide a safe haven for Maasai girls. The girls live at Safe House while they complete alternative rite of passage which reflects traditional...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
This gift will provide a widow a real chance to survive. The average income for a widow-headed household in Afghanistan is only $16/month - compared to $48/month for a men. Owning a cow that produces milk will not only give her family an income, on average $120/month, it gives them nutrition. In addition, the income will make it possible for her to send her children...
Regular price $6000 $60.00
Your gift of $60 buys 10 midwife supply kits for graduates of Women for Women International’s Health Training Workshops. Classes teach women about basic prenatal, maternal and infant and child health care, giving women the skills they need to educate other women in their communities about prenatal care and provide safer, more hygienic, deliveries. The kits include basic materials such as iodine, forceps, and clean...
Summer Leader
Girls In The Game
Our Sports & Leadership Summer Camp provides an opportunity for girls to flex their leadership muscles and stay active over the summer! Girls learn over 20 different sports, interact with guests coaches, bond with their teammates, swim and go one field trips. Camp also includes free lunch and transportation. Over 90 percent of participants require a scholarship of some kind. Help create a summer to...
Empower a Girl for a Day
Girls in the Game
Regular price $000 $0.00
Our After School programs creates a safe space for girls each week. With consistent coaches, girls practice both new and familiar sports like rugby, dance, lacrosse, soccer, basketball and more along with health and leadership topics vital to their well-being. A gift of just $10 sends her to a day of After School programming!
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Since its founding, the Feminist Majority Foundation has built a tradition of mobilizing young people in advocacy and activism for women’s rights and health and non-violence. FMF’s Campus Program works to recruit and train the next generation of feminist leaders on college campuses nationwide. Our Choices Campus Leadership Program provides young women with organizing skills and tools to lead, run for campus-wide office, educate their...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will provide enough medication to treat 10 Tibetan women for a variety of reproductive tract infections. Women will receive information on how to prevent infections, good hygiene, and reproductive health training.
Regular price $2000 $20.00
Your $20 gift will allow us to purchase one pair of footwear for the girls and women in any of our programs. The option of purchasing shoes instead of relying on donations allows us to purchase the kind of shoes we know most of the women need here. We are always in need of bigger sized walking shoes. With this gift, we can buy a...