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Arts and Culture
Basic Needs
This gift will provide funding to projects in translational cancer research, which focuses on bringing promising new treatments to the patients who need them as quickly as possible. This is where the end of cancer begins.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will support current research into new agents to treat lung cancer and prevent its recurrence. Memorial Sloan-Kettering researchers are evaluating new drugs for lung cancer, including getifinib (Iressa). First tested at MSKCC, getitinib is one of a new class of drugs known as signal transduction inhibitors, which work by blocking the signal that make cancer cells grow and spread.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
This gift will provide funding to projects in translational cancer research, which focuses on bringing promising new treatments to the patients who need them as quickly as possible. This is where the end of cancer begins.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center offers care that is unequaled in depth of experience and expertise in the treatment of cancer affecting children, teenagers, and young adults. The multidisciplinary approach at Memorial Sloan-Kettering offers children and young adults with cancer the best opportunity for accurate diagnosis and the most effective treatment available, emphasizing treatments that target and cure cancer and return children to a normal life....
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift will support the research of our physicians and scientists who continue to pioneer new medical treatments in breast cancer research such as immunotherapy, including vaccines and antibodies. Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s vaccine studies are designed to identify the best way to harness the body’s immune system to ward off recurrences. Our doctors have tested several monoclonal antibodies. They have so far demonstrated that this approach...
Regular price $8000 $80.00
This gift will provide a cancer patient with a Chemo Comfort kit. In the kit are products to manage the side effects of chemotherapy such as a specific toothpaste, toothbrush and mouthwash to help cope with mouthsores. Also included in the kit are teas and other products to help with nausea; a sleep cap, satin pillowcase and socks for hair loss, warmth and comfort; a...
Regular price $900 $9.00
This gift will provide one sleep cap for use in a Chemo Comfort kit. These kits go to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Actual sleep caps are white cotton with lace around the edges for women and plain cotton caps for men.
Regular price $600 $6.00
This gift will provide 1 box each of peppermint and ginger tea to a cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy. These teas will help with chemo induced nausea.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Today 10 million people in the U.S. are cancer survivors. In response to the increasing number of patients who are living beyond cancer, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has established the Cancer Survivorship Initiative to institute a comprehensive program of services for cancer survivors and their families and to develop a survivorship research effort that will address issues vital to survivors nationwide.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is one of only a few centers that offer computer-assisted family history analysis. Men with a family history of prostate cancer that suggests they may be at increased genetic risk for developing the disease can be referred to our genetic counselors who will help further evaluate their risks. Your gift will ensure that our researchers and physicians continue to make new...
Regular price $1800 $18.00
Your gift will provide much needed hope to patients with brain cancer. You will move this underserved field forward to make a difference by bringing an innovative approach to finding therapies for this devastating disease.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your donation will help us to reach our goal of building 3 Lion's Dens at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Hackensack Hospital and Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University. To check out current Lion's Dens, visit the website www.cic16.org
Regular price $13300 $133.00
This gift will help BCRF provide $250,000 to one dedicated researcher hoping to find a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
In an effort to quicken the evaluation of therapeutic candidates for possible advancement to the clinic for brain cancer patients, ABC2 partnered with the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Center at Duke University to form the Preclinical Screening Program. Your gift will support a critical link with the biopharmaceutical industry and academia and help fill a void in the drug development arena by providing a venue...
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your investment will help attract the best and brightest researchers to the field of brain cancer. Young Investigator Awards encourage and invest in physician-scientists who are building their careers in translational medicine. The awards provide support for a three-year period in neuro-oncology and address key scientific and medical challenges in the development of effective brain cancer therapies.
Regular price $3500 $35.00
When they first come to CancerCare, children receive a special welcome kit that includes a teddy bear and special book that helps them address the many fears and emotions they may be feeling.
Regular price $4000 $40.00
Go4theGoal is supporting the research at Dr. Jeff Toretsky's lab at Lonbardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University. His work with Ewing's Sarcoma is progressing with the identification of proteins that will effectively kill the Ewing's cells. In 2007, we purchased a protein purification machine that has allowed them to move forward and this year, we have granted them money for a research chemist to...
Screening for Underserved Women
Breast Cancer Alliance
Regular price $000 $0.00
For the price of your gift, an institution providing patient navigation or free screening will enable a woman with limited financial means to get the critical, and potentially life-saving mammomgram she needs. When caught early, breast cancer has a survival rate of 90%. Your gift helps to maintain, if not improve, those statistics!
A symphony of love
Chase The Music
Regular price $000 $0.00
Your gift will fund the creation of an orchestral piece, an original composition, and a world premiere performance for a child battling a critical condition. The child will be given a gift like no other. A gift with such meaning that music can express it. Music impacts so many more than just the recipient. Family, composer, performers, musicians and future listeners all are moved by...
Regular price $500 $5.00
Your gift will provide one pair of wonderfully warm and cuddly socks to a cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy. The socks are included in our Chemo Comfort kits which are distributed to cancer patients. Over 70% of our kits are donated through partner organizations.