Caribbean Countries
See our Gifts
We are adding charitable gifts from nonprofits that meet needs in Caribbean countries.
If you have favorite organizations, please let us know. Contact information appears at the bottom of the page.
Countries and Regions
Regular price $25000 $250.00
Adonal Foyle’s Athletics & Academics Island Camps are day camps held in one of the poorer countries of the Caribbean, in St. Vincent & the Grenadines, that teach youth participants basketball skills, health awareness and the importance of education. KLF’s unique approach is to provide the opportunity for youths to spend a fun-filled day of holistic learning led by a true role model with whom...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your extremely generous gift will help fix up 5 basketball courts on 4 islands of St. Vincent & the Grenadines (St. Vincent, Bequia, Canouan, & Union Island) and make them safer playing environments for children. We are estimating a total of $500 in repairs per court.
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your generous gift will provide a book to each child who attends KLF's 2009 Athletics & Academics Camps in St. Vincent & the Grenadines. To encourage each child to read their book, every child who submits a book report on their received book will be entered into a drawing to win cool prizes.
Regular price $7000 $70.00
Your gift will provide hot nutritious meals for 10 children at our 2009 Athletics & Academics camps. The meal will consist of rice, chicken and a vegetable.
Regular price $3500 $35.00
Your gift of a basketball will initially teach basketball skills and then serve as a reminder of our camp and the educational lessons also taught at our camps. The ball will be custom-printed with a public awareness message about staying in school, saying no to drugs/smoking, or being healthy. The balls will be given out to campers as a reward, not just for their athletic...
Regular price $15000 $150.00
Your gift will provide t-shirts for 50 children who attend the Athletics & Academics Camps in St. Vincent & the Grenadines. The t-shirt is a lasting reminder of the fun that the kids had at the camp and of the lessons they learned. We still see kids around the country wearing their t-shirts from the camps we held in 2007!