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Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Autism Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.
Regular price $3500 $35.00
This gift will provide compensation for a family participating in research. Depending on the study, a family’s participation in applied research might require filling out surveys, meeting with therapists, taking a course, or being observed while completing everyday tasks. In return for their participation, families often receive monetary compensation. These gifts can come in the form of gift cards or a check, or might simply...
Regular price $7500 $75.00
This gift will provide a family resource center with the complete collection of OAR guidebooks, including all five "Life Journey through Autism" guides and "The Best of the OARacle: Selected Articles from 2002-2007." Lending libraries at these resource centers will grant families in the community greater access to these and other learning tools.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
This gift will provide 10 meals for hungry people in the Atlantic City area. A nutritious meal served by compassionate staff and volunteers will nourish the body and spirit of a homeless or hungry man, woman, or child.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
This gift will provide two guidebooks from OAR’s “Life Journey through Autism” series to a parent of a child just diagnosed with autism. These guides target many of the difficult questions new parents, teachers, and caregivers face on a daily basis. They offer actionable tools and a range of educational and social/communication skill-building resources explained in layman’s terms. With the help of these resources, parents...
Regular price $12500 $125.00
This gift will provide a parent of a child on the autism spectrum a free conference registration. In attending this event, parents will hear the most recent findings in applied autism research and learn how to improve the overall quality of life of the entire family by incorporating this information into their child’s treatment regimen. In addition, this event will offer a priceless opportunity to...