Climate Change
See our GiftsBrowse the charitable gifts below, use the search box above, or support any favorite Climate Change nonprofit in the country. Give it in a friends name,and send a personalized greeting card to make it a memorable gift.
Also, be sure to create a Wish List and let your friends know you would welcome a donation in your name, in lieu of yet another present.
Finally, you can make a difference every time you share this site with friends who care about Climate Change or any cause.
Basic Needs
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your gift to Adopt A Penguin will enable Defenders of Wildlife to work with automakers and members of Congress to raise the standard fuel efficiency of cars and trucks. The burning of fossil fuels is the single most human-related cause of rising temperatures around the globe. In addition, your gift will help Defenders work to promote increased reliance on alternative fuels such as wind and...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
This gift will neutralize 1 ton or 2,205lbs of CO2 from the atmosphere. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions equal to your annual emissions...
Regular price $2500 $25.00
Your gift will help Defenders of Wildlife work to educate people about the need to protect sea otters, as well as help local communities and the fishing industry live in harmony with these adorable little animals. You will also enable us to continue our efforts to keep Big Oil companies from evicting sea otters from the only area they have left. Your gift to Adopt...
Regular price $12500 $125.00
or any amount
We must have everyone’s support to stop Congress from handing the home of polar bears and other wildlife over to Big Oil, which will only result in a savings of a penny at the gas pump…and that’s in 20 years! Your gift to Adopt A Polar Bear will help Defenders save polar bears and other imperiled Arctic wildlife.
Regular price $500 $5.00
Your donation will offset over 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide and will be an important step in the fight against global warming. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction...
Regular price $12500 $125.00
Your donation will offset 27,500 pounds of carbon dioxide in order to neutralize the impact of your medium home's carbon footprint. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction of...
Regular price $7500 $75.00
By donating to Clean Air–Cool Planet, you can offset 1000 pounds of carbon. The donation will purchase Renewable Energy Certificates from NativeEnergy, a Vermont company that provides incremental funding for wind, landfill gas and farm methane projects that might not otherwise be built. In addition to generating electricity without using fossil fuels, these projects help provide indigenous communities, small cities and towns and family farms...
Regular price $7500 $75.00
Your donation will offset 16,500 pounds of carbon dioxide in order to neutralize the impact of your small home's carbon footprint. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction of...
Regular price $1100 $11.00
Your donation reduces 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions to neutralize the impact of 6,000 miles of flying. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
You can help campuses take the first step toward effective global warming leadership by providing them with Clean Air-Cool Planet's Campus Carbon Calculator. This software helps campuses document and analyze the sources of their global warming pollution, and observe trends over time. The Calculator, road-tested by more than 200 colleges and universities across North America, provides a framework for data collection and analysis that makes...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
We must have everyone’s support to stop Congress from handing the home of snowy owls and other wildlife over to Big Oil, which will only result in a savings of a penny at the gas pump…and that’s in 20 years! Your gift to Adopt A Snowy Owl will help Defenders save snowy owls and other imperiled wildlife.
Support a sustainable future.
Us Partnership For Education For Sustainable Development
Regular price $000 $0.00
Help us create more clean energy, reduce climate instability, decrease human suffering and build a better future for us all. Our work reaches most of the colleges in the country and thousands of communities nationally with the take action steps and support information we all need.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your donation will offset 11,000 pounds of carbon dioxide in order to neutralize your apartments carbon footprint. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions equal...
Regular price $3800 $38.00
Your donation will offset over 8,000 pounds of carbon dioxide in order to neutralize the impact of up to 20,000 miles of flying. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the...
Regular price $24000 $240.00
Your donation will offset over 50,000 pounds of carbon dioxide and will be an important step in the fight against global warming. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction...
Regular price $20000 $200.00
When you Adopt An Intern, you provide a scholarship to support one intern for The Climate Group. This support is invaluable to The Climate Group, providing the staffing needed to support research, administration, website support and more day to day activities. Internships at The Climate Group involve hands-on experience in the non-profit world, allowing students to get involved in tackling climate change and providing insight...
Regular price $5400 $54.00
Your donation reduces 12,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions to neutralize the impact of a year’s worth of driving a Full Size vehicle. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the...
Regular price $2700 $27.00
This gift will neutralize 5,998.91 lbs of CO2 or 2.72 tons, the equivalent of a fuel efficient vehicles footprint. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction of carbon dioxide...
Regular price $13500 $135.00
The Climate Change Backpack provides a brief, down-to-earth introduction to climate change science for middle and high school students. It contains graphs, maps, experiments, group activities, an imitation ice core, a compact fluorescent light bulb, a play, solutions-based props, and a bookmark listing websites for more information. All of the materials fit into a Timberland backpack and are designed to expand or contract according to...
Regular price $100 $1.00