Help Students Write
Pens and pencils

826 National
826 chapters are packed five days a week with neighborhood students who come in for free one-on-one tutoring after school. We serve students of all skill levels and interests. Trained volunteers, many of whom are professional writers, are available to help students with their individual writing projects and any type of homework. We go through tons of pencils and pens. Keeping our centers stocked with enough supplies gets very expensive. Help us keep our centers equipped to help kids write! \
The Gift
For just under ten dollars, you’ll put a bundle of 100 pencils in our pencil cups, every one of them ready to be worked down to a nub in the service of a student’s homework assignment or a creative story. 826 helps students with their writing skills. In an effort to honor the students’ accomplishments, to give them an opportunity to show off their writing work, and to enhance the quality of their school work, 826 publishes a vast amount of student writing. We know that these publications are critical to a student’s engagement in a project—students take pride in creating a professionally finished product. They experience a complete publishing process. We invite students to create in many genres, from journalism to cartooning. We work closely with teachers when designing our projects in order to ensure that we are meeting teachers’ and schools’ larger goals. Our process is designed to help students experience, appreciate, practice, and recognize great writing.