Support Legislation
One Senior Action alert

National Council on Aging
The single most important factor that determines how Members of Congress vote - and what subjects they choose to champion on behalf of Older Americans – is the grassroots communications they receive from constituents. NCOA is committed to growth as a national voice and powerful advocate for public policies that promote vital aging for all Americans.
The Gift
NCOA is building a network of involved and concerned Americans across the country committed to interacting with Congress about important legislation. Through periodic updates and timely action alerts we inform the public about bills that are in Congress, and how you can help. NCOA has even developed a list of questions you can ask candidates to determine how they may vote on issues that affect seniors. In the next year we expect to mobilize activists on such critical issues as improving access to benefits for low-income seniors, and increasing appropriations for Older Americans Act programs. Your donation will support the issuance of a timely action alert which has the potential to reach thousands of people in every State and Congressional district in the U.S. and encourage Senators and Representatives and the President to do the right thing for seniors.